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https://clips.twitch.tv/EnjoyablePrettyScorpionRitzMitz <-- here you can see how you can't survive a 2 crit 1 body against Thorn with tier 5 res anymore.

Apparently Bungie has changed some of the levels of res without mentioning it in the patch notes, effectively making me waste seven ascendant shards in my pvp gear because I wanted to reach 50 res as well as 100 recovery. Now, after grinding 980 nightfalls and grabbing gear for a very long time, the one weapon I wanted to counter still kills me all the same. Sigh.

Here: https://youtu.be/RGN5E4pMwMQ?t=225 (dating from november) you can see that res at tier 5 gave a 6% shield hp increase, whereas now it gives a 5% increase. Here: https://ibb.co/7RPdb6X you can see an image of my character loadout screen and it clearly shows that at tier 5 now you get a 5% increase.

Bungie, before shifting the whole PvP meta without a word or explanation you could've told us first so we could plan our loadouts first with a bit of a margin. Armor 2.0 is extremely grindy and farming gear and shards for just one type of loadout (pulse + shotgun) took me an insane amount of time, and now it's all for nothing. Also: if this was intentional, why nerf res? It should give more benefits per level to be more appealing. If you nerf the level that had importance in the meta (countering Thorn) to tier 6 instead, you're making it so even less people bother to get res to that level as it demands gear with unrealistically high stats!

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DeerTrivia

Paging /u/Cozmo23 and /u/dmg04. I know sometimes stuff gets left off the patch notes by mistake. Can you guys confirm if this was intended?

I'll check. We definitely never leave patch notes out on purpose.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by domster83

With all due respect, there’s tons of stuff that changes that never makes the patch notes. The director showing how many fire team members you can take at each destination for one recent example. Don’t recall ever seeing this in the patch notes.

Yes. Some changes get missed. Some aren't included if they aren't super impactful like minor icon or localization changes.

If it's something with matchmaking or sandbox we will always call out changes.

about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DeerTrivia

Thank you! :)

EDIT: In case it wasn't clear, I mean whether or not the change to Resilience was intended. I know leaving them off the patch notes would never be intended, I just remember a few times when stuff was missed and you guys edited it into the notes as soon as you found it.

Spoke with the team and it looks like this was a side effect of the changes to make resilence affect class ability cool downs and resulted in a .5% difference in vitality for tiers 4-9.

I am told that Thorn should have always required 6 resilience to survive 2 headshots and 1 body shot. We currently don't have plans to change resilence back to how it was before. If you have any feedback, feel free to share and I will pass it on to the team. Thanks!