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Cause Sunbreaker feels like it's in a good spot. Granted there's some bad things about it like that new melee slam, for what it does and only giving one fragment, it has to be the worse aspect since pre-buff diamond lance. The super damage feels lackluster considering it was marketed as the "big damage dealer" class. But the nerfs that Roaring Flames and Sunspots seems justified as you can easily proc the new radiant buff. And with Sunspots gaining restoration effect, it adds survivability to the class now. Hammer Throw can give you that radiant buff up constantly with Ember of Torches. Hallowfire Heart is a good exotic for constant ability regen comboing with Sunspots. And I love how Loreley Splendor went from top tier pvp exotic to top tier pve exotic by making you feel practically unkillable.

You can make a build with Melee Wellmaker, Font of Might, Elemental Charge, and High Energy Fire, with the fifth mod being flexible. All you have to do is get a kill with your mini hammer and you'll be swimming in buffs.

I may get down voted to oblivion but just as with Void 3.0, I been really enjoying Solar 3.0 on Titan.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

It’s going to take some time to identify builds, find synergies, and get into the swing of 3.0. We learned this with Void, and we’ll likely see some similar chatter when Arc comes around.

That said,

There is entirely valid feedback in many of the posts and conversations. Difficulty in finding a given build is great feedback. Not understanding new “costs” for a given build that used to exist in the 2.0 paradigm is great feedback. New verbs being confusing or hard to understand is great feedback.

I do wish that some would take a bit more time to dig, or avoid saying things fueled entirely by frustration after a rough play session, I’ll never expect every piece of feedback to be perfectly worded or devoid of emotion. The only feedback I’m not super into usually deals with personal jabs, overly harsh language, or straight up saying “lol someone should be fired” - none of that helps us to make stuff better. Totally fine with critical and harsh feedback, but there’s a line to cross when it gets personal.

Really do appreciate the constructive posts and conversations found throughout many threads. Keep ‘em coming. We’ll continue collecting/passing along the feedback through the launch period and beyond. Team is looking at opportunities to address some pieces, planning comms to help others. Once we have more info, we’ll let you all know.