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As per his tweet, Mercules is going be the new Associate Weapons Designer at Bungie.

Considering that he created some of the more in-depth breakdowns of weapons, this sound like a great fit.

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Mercules904

Would never have gotten to Bungie if it weren’t for the DtG Reddit community. I basically only got my foot in the door years back as a Gameplay Specialist because someone at Bungie had seen my breakdowns posted here and recommended me.

I know I haven’t been super present posting-wise on here lately, but I read it and the crucible guidebook sub daily and I’ll forever be appreciative of this place being my first home in the destiny community.

Paraphrasing Bane here, but when people ask about the sub, I like to say that I was born in it, and molded by it. Hope to do you guys proud and show that, even without direct game dev experience, if youre driven (and lucky) enough you can still make the dream to work on your favorite game happen!

I think it's pretty cool that this subreddit helped you get a job at Bungie. Congrats!