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Blind Well:

  • Its own instance to allow for matchmaking.
  • Accessible from both the Blind Well itself and via the map.

Escalation Protocol:

  • 'Once a week' aspect of the Level 7 chest key abandoned entirely.
  • Armor upgraded to drop with random rolls.
  • Its own instance to allow for matchmaking.
  • Accessible from any of the activation nodes around the Patrol zone and via the map.


  • Accessible via the map.
  • Small chance for Armor pieces to drop without Forge Polymer.
  • Radiant Matrix modified to be usable. Using it in the field autocompletes the quest step that normally requires visiting Ada-1.


  • Matchmaking needs to be reinitiated after each attempt like with the Forges.
  • If a player fails to reach the Bank to collect their spoils after the run before it closes, the stuff they would have gotten is immediately added to their inventory.
  • All players are resurrected when the run is over but before they are all teleported back to the bank.
  • Shove all prior Trials of the Nine gear into this mode with Y2 perks.

Infinite Forest:

  • Should be an activity on Mercury.
  • Rules are a blend of Haunted Forest and Verdent Forest. Kill enemies until you get teleported to a boss, kill the boss, then repeat until the players run out of time, then it's a boss rush made up of all the bosses the fireteam defeated, with the time they have depending on how many rooms they cleared.
  • Invincible Nightmare returns in the form of a giant Minotaur that hunts you down throughout your run. The number of them increases the further you get.
  • Modifiers begin appearing the further you get.
  • Some of the Bosses are returning bosses.

Shattered Throne and Niobe's Torment:

  • Once entered into for the first time, they are launchable via the map. Shattered Throne via its own map icon during the full curse week, and Niobe's Torment as a second option when selecting Bergusia Forge on the map.
  • Shattered Throne can be reset via its map icon for the purpose of Flawless attempts.

More Loot

This entire section is wishful thinking, but whatever:

  • Blind Well has three separate loot pools, one for each week of the curse/enemy type. Week 2 will be Crota's End gear, including weapons, armor, Age of Triumph Ornaments, Necrochasm, and even Black Hammer (goes in the special slot and its white nail perk is the nerfed one from Black Spindle). Week 1 will be a Scorn-themed gear set, and Week 3 will feature Permanently Taken Reverie Dawn armor (5 set bonus makes you Ascendant without needing Queensfoil) and Taken ornaments for all DC weapons including Horror's Least and Wish Ender.
  • Escalation Protocol will have a new variant where we fight against Siva-Fallen. Will feature Wrath of the Machine gear from D1 including weapons, armor, Age of Triumph Ornaments, and Outbreak Prime.
  • Infinite Forest will have all of the Vault of the Glass gear including weapons, armor, Age of Triumph Ornaments, and the Vex Mythoclast. Dismantling a Prophecy weapon gives you a bounty that can only be completed in the Infinite Forest, and completing it gives you a randomly rolled variant of the same weapon.
  • Shattered Throne now features loot drops more than once a week (first drops for each encounter are powerful and have the 20% chance for the DC ship, repeat runs have no powerful drops and the DC ship drops at a 2% drop rate). It also features King's Fall gear from D1 including weapons, armor, Age of Triumph Ornaments, and the Touch of Malice.
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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

This is a great list of feedback. Thanks for putting it together. I'll make sure the team sees this.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by xMoody

Are you serious? This can't be the first time the 'team' has been made aware of this.

Didn't say it was.

Well, I mean it's probably the first time this specific list of feedback would be presented in this format, but yea they are already aware of many of those suggestions.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

Can we get a pass on activities for clan exp? Things like Forges don't give clan exp and it's a little frustrating.

I'll bring it up, thanks.