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TL;DR - Use r/DestinySherpa if you need help learning raids or have never done them before. I promise it's great. See bottom of post if you're on PC, I can help you directly.

/r/DestinySherpa is the best subreddit, in my opinion.

I see so many posts on DTG or D2 about how someone finally did their first raid, then endless comments of "I could never find a group. I'd be yelled at for not knowing what to do. People only want money for carries. I have no friends to run it with, I'm not even in a clan. I'm nervous about messing up."

DestinySherpa fixes all of that. (Only issue we can't fix is you not having time, which is unfortunate)

DestinySherpa is, of course, free. You can make a Looking for Sherpa post where you put a little info about what raids you want to accomplish, or you can find a Looking to Sherpa post, where someone is organizing a raid to teach new players, and they want you to join.

And no, it's not just a quick carry where you get pushed along and don't actually do much. The Sherpas will be teaching you every mechanic, good strategies, builds, answer questions, etc. We're there to help you, not just get you the +1 on your raid report. And if you want more info on a particular sherpa, you can just look up or ask for their Sherpa Card, which is where they list all kinds of things you might want to know about them. Here's mine as an example.

That all sounds great, right? But some people are extremely shy or have incredibly bad social anxiety. If that sounds like you, you're still welcome in the community, and there definitely is the right sherpa for you out there. Some runs are loud and boisterous, but that's probably not your speed. For those who are nervous about the whole social aspect, I recommend making a LFS post and mention you're wanting someone to be slower and more relaxed, we'll absolutely help you out in a way that's comfortable for you.

What's that? You don't have all the best guns??? Well lucky you, DestinySherpa also has a weekly thread for Whisper of the Worm matchmaking, and I'm sure there will be Zero Hour matchmaking soon enough. (Even after the nerf, Whisper will still be worth getting) Also, if there's anything else you need help with, if you directly message a sherpa on reddit or discord, I'm sure they'd be inclined to help you do any other content outside of raids. (At least, I would be) Oh, but you really want Recluse since it's so good right? Well guess what, there's also /r/CrucibleSherpa where we can team ya up with someone who will help hone your skills and up your guardian slaying prowess.

So in short, please use the subreddit. It's really amazing.

So now a personal shout. I'm only on PC, so, unfortunately, I can't help console players. But if you're a guardian who needs a helping hand with anything I mentioned before, do not hesitate to message me on here. I run Whisper, raids, Zero Hour, Nightfalls, etc all the time for newbies. In fact, my entire clan of 50+ players all came from a sherpa run of some kind. I also pride myself on being extremely adaptive to the people I am raiding with. If you're super loud and half drunk with your friends, I'll be loud and laugh with you. But if you're quiet, shy, nervous, etc, I totally get that too, and we'll have a much more relaxed run, and I won't yell at ya. ;)

Message me on Reddit if you're on PC and need some help. I'd love to show you the ropes.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

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