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It was very evident from all the clips they showed. They mentioned no more crunches (especially after how Halo 2 went). They mentioned having teams focused on content for specific seasons instead of having everyone focus on each season, in order to not have to work many weekends. It’s apparent that with how toxic video game development culture has become, and how under the microscope it is, that Bungie seems aware of that.

This is definitely going to come off as a “circle-jerker” post, but I absolutely do not care.

When you look at development hells such as Rockstar, the A-word, and EA, you notice how much pressure is put on these people to create games that the community can just bash and rip to shreds.

Bungie appears to acknowledge that, and while I’m sure there are still minor crunches here and there, it seems like everyone working at Bungie can be more relaxed* and enjoy not having someone breathing down their neck constantly.

To everyone working at Bungie, thank you for your work and we, the community**, appreciate everything you all do for us. Don’t work yourself into a ditch though!

  • except Cozmo, who has to deal with the sh*t that is negative impulse reactions on this sub

** most of the community because some people are just assholes

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Veegie - Direct link

Originally posted by su1ac0

I wonder if they are waterfall, agile? 2 pizza rule?

We talked about some of our development strategies here if you are interested.

EDIT: Looks like GDC website is having some problems. You can view a Google cached version here

Or just watch the video version that GPK_Ethan linked below!