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I am absolutely loving this season's weapons so far, specifically the Sundial drops. Going into this season, I was slightly concerned about Recluse being nerfed. But, in light of how outstanding the sundial weapons are I am extremely thankful that Bungie made the decision to force it's obsolescence.

The standouts to me so far have been Breachlight with outlaw/multi-kill clip , Steelfeather with Extended Mag/Feeding frenzy/Multi-kill clip, and a Perfect Paradox with Demolitionist/Swashbuckler. With a back-up mag Steelfeather holds a whopping 68 rounds.

They're bonkers. They all shred... SO HARD!!! I was running Liar's Handshake/Monte Carlo, but now I have a very hard time deciding what to run as my primary. Throw Python on in the energy slot and its GG for the enemy.

I've been pretty lucky with RNG so far, receiving all of these as my first and only drops of each respective gun thus far. I'm very much looking forward to farming alternate versions of Perfect Paradox once that's possible.

The only disappointment I have is that PP so far is not able to be masterworked. Fighting with Saint was one of my fav moments in the whole game. I really hope that it becomes possible to as part of the quest line. I could see that being a great aspect of the story. It would be so super rad. I got a drop that I love and am unlikely to use it if l can never masterwork it. I need orbs to power my build.

Happy Dawning 2019 to all of my hunter, titan & warlock brothers & sisters out there defending the last city. May the Traveler's shine especially bright for you this season!

TL;DR - Goodbye Recluse. You bore me. Hellooooooo awesome Sundial drops! And, Happy Holidays Guardians!

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Good.... good........