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I love the Eater of Worlds raid armor with its raid challenge ornaments. I don't know since when but now you can only get 2 drops from that raid; phase 1 and 2 from the boss. I've run that raid since Shadowkeep dropped in hopes of getting armor 2.0 variants and I was lucky enough to get both drops from this week to be armor. Went to apply the raid ornament to the armor but its not showing on the new set


The first image is from the Armor 2.0 variant that I got just now, the second image is from Armor 1.0 that I reacquired from Collections. Not sure if this was intentional or not but I would really appreciate if I could get some traction on this post so that Bungie devs could see or respond to this. Like I said, I really love this armor set and I'm kinda bummed out that I cant apply the ornaments and becoming a glowing beacon of light...

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

This looks to be a bug. Will pass it along!