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It makes sense for bounties, but its being used everywhere now. The entirety of guardian games seems to be just that.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Appreciate the feedback, I know there is a lot of bounty fatigue right now and many players feel like too much of the game is dependent on bounties and many bounties don't feel fun to complete.

As far as quest steps and bounties, you mentioned "Get X many kills (Y way) (with Z) (at W destination)" can get repititive and feel tedious after a while. What are some steps that you do enjoy or think we should consider for the future?

Please don't take this as "do our jobs for us." just hoping to get some additional feedback if anyone wants to share. :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Battle_Rifle

do our jobs for us

I really hope you didn't take that one comment on that thread seriously. There was a reason it was nuked and downvoted into oblivion.

I've seen it made a few times and just wanted to assure everyone that is not our intention. :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by lssjbro1y

The game is designed to craft unique/strong builds. Have “bounties” be a place for players to utilize them. How about complete X strike in under X time. Or defeat a gambit boss in less then X time. Right now players aren’t motivated to win at gambit. Just to complete whatever bounty requires them to play gambit. Same with strikes. They run them only to get X kills in X way during a strike. Give players a reason to build strong unique builds.

Or defeat a gambit boss in less then X time

This is an interesting idea. There is already a lot of team social friction in Gambit, do you think this would add more to that if a blueberry wasn't dpsing the boss properly in time on top of taking 15 motes through the invasion portal?