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As a solo player, I have no surefire way to earn ascendant shards without either saving my prisms and materials (insanely time consuming), or hopping on LFG and farming nightfalls (many people in this community have anxiety or other circumstances preventing them from using LFG regularly).

So, please give us some kind of bounty that rewards an ascendant shard; just like you did with the exotic cypher. It can be grindy, it can be repetitive, but please give us a way to consistently earn at least one ascendant shard each week.

This would seem to be especially necessary given that masterworked gear can only really be used for 3 seasons in endgame content. But thats an issue for another day.

Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this :)

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over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We will bring this suggestion up with the rewards team. I know that we want to keep Ascendant shards valuable where it feels good to earn them. I’ll ask if we can consider adding one that’s more easily obtained by solo play on a weekly cadence - thanks for the feedback.