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edit: gifvs with descriptions -

  • No Time To Explain - Personal protection portal

    • Precision hits and hits against enemies affected by Stasis will return to the magazine. Stack this effect to summon a portal which will fire bullets from an alternate timeline of the weapon.
  • Cloudstrike - Lightning on precision hits

    • Precision final blows will generate lightning bolts at the target location. Rapid precision shots will summon an entire storm at the point of impact.
  • The Lament - Shred barrier shields

    • A mortal blade, a stalwart shield. Block with The Lament to rev the blade, then shred through shielded enemies. At its peak, damaging an enemy will heal the wielder.
  • Salvation's Grip - Launch Stasis projectiles

    • Redemption is within your grasp. Each fired projectile will create Stasis crystals that will freeze nearby targets. Charge to increase the amount of crystals created and the freeze radius.
  • Icefall Mantle - Replaces barricade with overshield

    • Stand tall against the oncoming hordes with this reinforced armor that replaces the Titan’s Barricade with Overshield, absorbing damage from incoming fire.
  • Mask of Bakris - Shift replaces dodge

    • Don the Mask to replace the Hunter’s Dodge ability with a longer range Shift ability that also temporarily cloaks the wearer during use.
  • Athrys's Embrace - Superior weighted knife

    • The Hunter’s weighted knife gains a second ricochet; rapid precision hits gain a damage bonus and can temporarily stagger enemies.
  • Dawn Chorus - Improved burns and Daybreak damage

    • Feel that sweet burn. The Warlock’s Daybreak projectiles deal extra damage and cause enemies to burn on contact. Gain melee energy each time a burn damages a target.
  • Necrotic Grip - Melee spread poison

    • A deadly caress, compounded. Melee attacks corrupt enemies with increasing damage over time. Defeating a corrupted combatant spreads the corruption to nearby targets and restores melee energy.
  • Precious Scars - Revive creates shielding aura

    • Prove your strength, even when coming back from the brink. Upon revives, the Titan gains an Overshield aura that protects the wearer and nearby allies.
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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Thebogusgasman

So you're telling me that my constant knife throw misses might hit something now!?

No, no, no. You will probably continue to miss your throws.

Everyone else? Maybe.