Original Post — Direct link

Link to tweet by dmg confirming the shader in the collections was a bug: https://twitter.com/A_dmg04/status/1237815879083020288?s=20

For me as someone who did get the flawless clear and earned the title the day the fourth challenge went live and my clan that was interested in getting the title, this just feels like disrespect to anyone who wanted to go for the seal. It’s now the easiest raid title in the game being the only raid seal not to require flawless. It’s killed any motivation of my clan getting the title alongside me as there’s no longer any challenge or prestige in it.

Hopefully this change gets reverted — not only because it’s disrespectful to nullify such a prestigious and difficult task six months down the line, but also because this “bug” was apparently in the game for six months with zero comment whatsoever from Bungie before getting “fixed,” still no official word outside this tweet.

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Adding some additional info:

Speaking with the team, the plan was for the shader to be the flawless reward, while the title itself was for folks who completed all of the other associated requirements (badge, triumphs). Lengthy time investment on the current raid, which in itself is difficult to the majority of players. While more people will have access to the title, it will still be one of the more exclusive in the title roster.

The bug (flawless shader being required for seal) was tracked and fixed over the last few months, but wasn’t on our radar to communicate. Further, the bug was accidentally removed from our backend patch notes tracking page when an alternate bug was added.

Perfect storm for this to feel like a stealth change, but that was not our intention. We’ve kicked off an internal conversation about the patch note issue to help avoid that happening again in the future.

We’re also talking with the team about seals/titles, and what the current goals are behind them. Don’t have a specific timeline for those comms, but would love to cover them in a future TWAB.

Thanks for the feedback so far. Keep it coming.