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So I LFG'd on the destiny app for a Last Wish run last night, and one of my teammates, who by the sound of his voice was probably somewhere between 13 and 15, had never done LW before. He expressed this, and asked if we were fine with teaching him. I said that was fine (which is something that everyone should do when possible, don't be hesitant to help someone else experience something new, even if it'll slow you down a bit). We ran through the entire raid, and instead of doing what most new raiders will do (stay on adclear for almost everything and learn very little), this kid wanted to learn all the in's and out's of the raid. He said something along the lines of "No matter what I'm doing, it's going to be new to me, so I can do anything."

This is EXACTLY the mentality that new raiders should have, and this kid's willingness to learn inspired me to write a short guide for having a good mentality for raiding:

  1. Be prepared to learn and be prepared to fail. Learning the mechanics, putting them into action, and failing is the most efficient way of learning raid mechanics. By practicing the mechanics and failing, you'll find out what mistakes are easy to make, and how to prepare for that.
  2. Be outspoken. When learning, it is important to express when you don't understand something, or when you want to learn an encounter. You should be actively trying to absorb as much info about the raid as you run it the first couple times so that you can be flexible with your role in future runs, and can teach other new players. This means that you are going to have to say something when you are confused -- if you don't, you will fail and you won't be any better for the next time. This may be a bit difficult if you're on the shy side, but lucky for you, the majority of raiders (at least that I've been) are pretty tolerant, and each group usually has at least one person who can teach.
  3. Keep trying. At first, even the simplest encounters will seem insurmountable, and the only way to get past this is to gain experience (and being a decent light of course). Keep trying, and the more you pay attention and actively try to learn, the faster you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the encounter.

In summary, always persevere, be eager and ready to learn, and you'll do fine.

Edit: Brendan, if you’re seeing this, it was great raiding with you bud. Keep on learning πŸ‘Œ

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Commentary from my week 1 Crown run-

be prepared to fail.

I usually preface new strats with "Hey, y'all want to try something different, and maybe even dumb?" or "Hey guys, I'm sorry, I'm gonna do something dumb."

Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Either way, we die at least a few times and laugh.

Be outspoken.

Indeed. In between each attempt, talk about what works, what doesn't, and what you may need to do on the next attempt. Ask questions to make sure you understand the flow. One of my raid members was really good about asking for clarification. Without their questions, we probably would have spent an additional hour on the encounter.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Guguf22

This reply made me remember xgladd talking to his team to try to use the gahlran sword to kill the deception

Exactly. We actually heard that in the theater while watching. Everyone was laughing and cheering.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by BooYeah0484

Do your clan mates know you work for Bungie and always tell you to "Fix this, change that or add this"?

Or is your clan made up of mostly Bungie employees?

My Clan is currently HFCS/TWC, which is a group of community volunteers from Bungie.net who moderate the forums.

My friendgroup, raiders and other, are a mix of employees and players. Most all know I work here, and they're all respectable on how they give feedback. When I play, though, there's a mutual understanding that Destiny 2 is my hobby and I'm online to enjoy time with them. It's not a constant stream of "fix this/change that" - and I really appreciate my friends for that.

almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheDarion

That's awesome, dmg! I can imagine you can set up some nice jokes too: When a bug happens and causes a wipe you can be like "Lemme text Luke or Mark right quick, get this sorted out."

I frequently make jokes about hitting up my uncle who "works at Bungie" to help my friends get exotics. How I'd love to be able to joke about contacting ACTUAL people within the company. I hope you slip one in now and then (though I guess you'd definitely need to be careful what company you drop such jokes around).

Have a good one, thanks for being around to chat with the community!

My jokes usually involve fusion rifles and nerfing them