almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

We've just come across a minor change to Striker Titans that was not included in the last round of patch notes from Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1. We wanted to give a bit of context for the change, so here's a quick writup from the team:

Sandbox: For Arc Week we made a bunch of changes to the Striker Bottom Path. The result of these changes was an increased effectiveness at performing melee kills. This, combined with the previous buffs to the super to make it last longer and therein get more melee kills, led us to the thinking that a slight change to "Reversal" was in order.

Previously, it gave a small health bump and kicked off regeneration. We removed the health bump as we felt like combined with the new melee effectiveness it made the Striker too tanky, and almost mindless when fighting up close. We still want you to be able to dive into the fray and knock some skulls around knowing you have survivability rewards for execution. Now you just need to be a bit more careful and mindful when you do.

The patch note being added is as follows:

Reversal • Removed the small health bump on melee kill; from 20 health to 0. • This ability immediately starts health and shield regeneration.

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