Original Post — Direct link

How ya livin', Guardians

This is a quick announcement and reminder post regarding some Sub changes and feedback we'

ve received on Data mining

Next Stop, Certain Death

With Jokers Wild arriving at our door and challenging our ideas of Light and Dark, we thought we'd add a little more Dark Light onto the team

To help us out with our own personal issues such as table flipping and regular breakdowns in Gambit, we've added 5 more to our Ranks to help with the increased demand to our humble corner of the Destiny Community. If you frequent the sub on the regular, you'll probably recognise these brave souls

Coming to Invade you soon, please help us welcome the newest additions to DTG's modteam:






Feel free to haze and harass these scrubs for a few days, as is tradition.

Datamining and You

This topic has reared its head again with new content and already some suggestions on what users would prefer to see / rather have it removed altogether

I just wanted to share that Datamines are welcome here on DTG but there are Rules against Spoilers here and we feel it's important to help users who don't wish to be spoiled, stay that way.

If you are a fan of the DatamineCraft game and wish to share information, PLEASE mark it clearly in title that its from mining. Marked with a spoiler tag and make it as clear as possible so it does not ruin anyone else experience of the game and/or Sub including following the over reaching sub rules:

  • No Spoilers in titles

  • The post is marked as Spoilers correctly.

  • Please DO NOT comment Spoilers in threads unrelated to said Spoiler. Keep it in the relevant thread. If conversation goes to that place, DO NOT comment without using Spoiler tags

  • For Spoilers in Comments* Format your comment like this: [Spoiler: Who finally got a PS4?](#s "Norsefenrir! Happy birthday!")

All I can ask is that if a post is marked as Spoilers you DO NOT enter it at all if you wish to avoid them.

We're discussing options on what we can do around Datamined info and how to possibly better protect those who want to avoid them and/or Spoilers. Things such as Key word detection, new rules for title specification that info is in fact 'Mined' and possible flair updates.

For the time being, we will update the Flairs of said posts to include 'DATAMINE' or something to that effect in them to help drive home that message

The Last Word

We on the Mod Team would like to welcome the new Moderators to the Team and also wish you all a very happy Jokers Wild

Kill those Envoys! Bank those Motes!

Mod Team <3

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by BooYeah0484

/u/Cozmo23 strikes out again at getting to be a moderator.

Maybe next time.