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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/47686

As a follow-up to reports of powerful rewards dropping at lower Power than expected, we wanted to catch you up on the current topics we’re investigating and also give you insights on our overall goals for Seasonal endgame progression.

There are two issues we've been tracking:

  • Reports of powerful sources granting +0 rewards

    • Current investigations point toward this being from daily bounties being carried over from last Season and being used to progress weekly bounties
    • We will continue looking into this issue in case there are other example of +0 drops
  • Director Challenges are dropping lower Power drops than expected

    • We expected players to hit the minimum-reward Power bumps at ~690 Power, but they've been hitting it at 650 instead
    • We have a fix ready for this issue, and we're working to ship this Hotfix sometime after we ship next week’s update

As with all releases, we updated powerful sources and added additional sources. It is our goal that the Seasonal endgame progression take roughly the same effort from Season to Season. Meaning that 650–700 should be roughly the same as 600–650. Some sources are faster and some are slower, but the overall experience is expected to be comparable. We missed these Power source tuning changes in the patch notes and we're working to improve our patch note process for future updates.

We do have an update planned to go out in on March 12 to address several issues. Here is a preview of some of the expected fixes. 

  • Fixed an issue where weekly bounties were resetting on Sundays instead of with the weekly reset on Tuesdays.
  • Fixed an issue where the pursuits for Malfeasance and Breakneck were not progressing as expected in Gambit and Gambit Prime.
  • Fixed an issue where the Triumph “The Best Offense,” which awards Oxygen SR3, wasn't counting the correct number of Orbs of Light generated in strike activities.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Primevals were despawning in Gambit Prime.
  • Fixed an issue where Blockers were not spawning on Kell’s Grave and Cathedral of Scars. These maps will be re-enabled when this issue is resolved.
  • Fixed an issue where various Gambit quests and bounties were not progressing properly.
  • Fixed an issue where Gambit activities may mistakenly report that players’ motes are lost when they defeat an enemy invader.

The full list of patch notes will come out with the update on March 12. Stay tuned to @Bungiehelp for more information on updates to the game. 

Please keep the feedback coming. We definitely need to hear player reports to make sure everything is working as intended as well as your feedback to ensure we deliver the experience we all want Destiny to be.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by TheLittleMoa

Fixed an issue where Blockers were not spawning on Kell’s Grave and Cathedral of Scars. These maps will be re-enabled when this issue is resolved.

If you wanna leave Kell's Grave disabled, Bungie, go right ahead.

Please watch your step when it returns.