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So in anticipation of the new emblem we are getting for Lasertag Weekend back in December of 2017, I have been diving back into records of my old games to make sure that I qualify for the emblem. Here are the stipulations for acquiring the emblem:

"To qualify for the “Prismatic Inferno” emblem, players must have finished a Crucible match between 10 AM PST December 8 and 10 AM PST December 12 2017. "

This makes sense if the reset times happened at 10 AM PST as expected. However, according to the following link, the reset times must have taken place at 9 AM while Daylight Savings Time is inactive.


Even though this help article is from May of this year, I am positive that the resets were happening at 9 AM PST back then. A little more clarification from my side:

My only crucible match that weekend was on December 8th, 2017 at 9:31 AM PST. I picked up the Lens from Xur that morning after reset and only got kills with that weapon that game, although I'm not sure if there's a way to see how I actually got the weapon. My tag on PC is snwflak3#1664 if you would like to see as well.

The reason I am making this post is that was literally the ONLY game I played for lasertag that weekend and it would be really disappointing to not get the emblem even though I technically did participate.

Further proof about reset times from an article during that time:



External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Looking in to this.