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Daily Milestone(s)

Iron Banner: Play where power matters. Get special rewards while the Iron Banner is unfurled!

Daily Vanguard Modifiers

Affect Strikes, Menagerie, Heroic Missions & Adventures

  • Void Singe: Void damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Iron: Enemies have more health and are not staggered by damage.
  • Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.

Daily Reckoning Modifiers

Affect all three tiers

  • Solar Singe: Solar damage increases slightly from all sources.
  • Heavyweight: Power weapons deal more damage, and more ammo is available.

Daily Heroic Story Missions

  • Chosen (PL 280) - Earth. The Almighty is finished. Time to go home, save the Traveler, take back the City, and end this war. Be brave.
  • Hope (PL 280) - Titan, Moon of Saturn. Commander Zavala is building a resistance at a moon of Saturn. Make contact and join the fight.
  • Pilgrimage (PL 360) - Mars. You've discovered the fabled BrayTech Futurescape. Investigate and search for traces of the Warmind.
  • The Machinist (PL 500) - The Tangled Shore. Battle across the toxic wastelands to take down the Scorned Baron known as the Machinist.
  • Nothing Left to Say (PL 500) - The Tangled Shore. Climb the Watchtower to stop Uldren and the Fanatic.

Daily Heroic Adventure (FP: )

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Gunsmith Inventory

  • Resilience Mod: Grants increased resilience.
  • Icarus Grip: Improves accuracy while airborne.

Spider Material Exchange

  • Purchase Enhancement Cores (1 for 10 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Legendary Shards (1 for 10 Etheric Spiral)
  • Purchase Glimmer (2500 for 5 Microphasic Datalattice)
  • Purchase Dusklight Shards (5 for 5000 Glimmer)
  • Purchase Alkane Dust (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Simulation Seeds (5 for 1 Legendary Shards)
  • Purchase Datalattice (5 for 5000 Glimmer)


Commander Zavala, Vanguard

Name Description Requirement Reward
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Defeat enemies with grenades. 35 Grenade kills 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
The Harder They Fall Defeat minibosses and bosses in any strike. 15 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Vanguardian Defeat enemies in any strike. 75 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
Rocketing to Prominence Defeat enemies in strikes with any Rocket Launcher. 10 Enemies defeated 5 Vanguard Tactician Token
The Inner Storm Get Arc kills in a strike. 25 Arc kills 5 Vanguard Tactician Token

Lord Shaxx, Crucible

Name Description Requirement Reward
Show 'Em What You Got Defeat Guardians of other classes in the Crucible. 10 Guardians Defeated 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Between the Eyes Land precision final blows in the Crucible. 5 Final blows 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Throw Down Land melee final blows in the Crucible. 3 Final blows 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Payback Land the final blow on the player who last defeated you in the Crucible. 1 Final blow 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points
Throwing Shade Land Void final blows in the Crucible. 5 Final blows 5 Crucible Token & 15 Valor Rank Points

The Drifter, Gambit Prime

Name Description Requirement Reward
INVADER: Doctor Invader While invading, heal the enemy Primeval in Gambit Prime. 1 Primeval healed 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
REAPER: Executioner's Rhythm Defeat enemies with Special ammo in Gambit Prime. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
Collectors Don't Carry Cash Bank Motes of Dark in Gambit Prime. 75 Motes banked 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
SENTRY: "Security!" Defeat Blockers in Gambit Prime using Fusion Rifles, Shotguns, or Sniper Rifles. 7 Blockers defeated 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
INVADER: Invading by Surprise Invader bounty. Defeat enemies from behind or without taking damage from them. 20 Ambushes 1 Invader Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
Reaping for the Vanguard Reaper bounty. Defeat multiple enemies without dying during Vanguard strikes. 30 Enemies defeated 1 Reaper Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
Collecting from Patrols Collector bounty. Complete patrols throughout the system. 3 Patrols completed 1 Collector Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points
Sentry Duty from Afar Sentry bounty. Defeat Taken Vandals or Taken Hobgoblins from long range. 10 Enemies defeated 1 Sentry Synth & 50 Infamy Rank Points

The Drifter, Gambit

Name Description Requirement Reward
All Right, All Right, All Right Complete a Gambit match. 1 Match completed 30 Infamy Rank Points
Lest It Stare Back Use Void abilities to defeat enemies in Gambit. Defeated Guardians are worth extra points. 15 Enemies defeated 30 Infamy Rank Points
Envoy While It Lasts Defeat Primeval envoys during Gambit matches. 2 Envoys defeated 30 Infamy Rank Points
The Big Haul Bank a large number of Motes in a single Gambit match. 50 Motes banked 50 Infamy Rank Points & Legendary Gear

Banshee-44, Gunsmith

Name Description Requirement Reward
Scout Rifle Calibration Calibrate Scout Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision final blows and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Scout Rifle] calibration 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
Linear Fusion Rifle Calibration Calibrate Linear Fusion Rifles against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Linear Fusion Rifle] calibration 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core
Void Calibration Calibrate Void weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress using Power weapons and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Void Kill] calibration 2 Mod Components & Enhancement Core

Ada-1, Black Armory

Name Description Requirement Reward
Rasmussen Tribute Pay homage to the Black Armory's Norse heritage by defeating enemies with Power weapons and Shotguns. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Secure the Lost Forges Defeat enemies while participating in the ignition of a lost forge. 50 Enemies defeated 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Lost Forge Power Kills Defeat enemies with Power weapons while participating in the ignition of a lost forge. 10 Power weapon kills 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Gofannon Forge Ignitions Complete ignitions of the lost Gofannon Forge on Nessus. 1 Ignitions completed 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer
Field Evaluation Complete patrols or adventures with at least one Black Armory weapon equipped. 3 Activities completed 1 Modulus Report & 1500 Glimmer

Visage of Calus, Triumph Hall

Name Description Requirement Reward
Precisely Earn precision kills without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 25 [Headshot] final blows 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer
Make Your Mark Earn precision kills in the Crucible without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 2 [Headshot] final blows 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer
Resilient Defeat enemies in Gambit without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 40 Enemies defeated 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer
Forge Ahead Defeat enemies guarding a forge without dying. You may claim only four rewards per day from bounties offered by the Visage of Calus. 20 Enemies defeated 1 Boon of Opulence & Glimmer

Spider, Tangled Shore

Name Description Requirement Reward
The Great Equalizer Defeat Fallen in Thieves' Landing. 35 Fallen defeated 2500 Glimmer
Conquer the Conquerors Defeat Cabal in Soriks's Cut. 35 Cabal defeated 2500 Glimmer
Super Visible Get Super kills on the Tangled Shore. 20 Super kills 2500 Glimmer
Shoreline Scavenging Harvest Etheric Spirals on the Tangled Shore. 5 Resources gathered 2500 Glimmer
Defend the Shore Complete two public events on the Tangled Shore. 2 Public events completed 2500 Glimmer
Treasure Hunter Loot treasure chests on the Tangled Shore. 5 Chests looted 2500 Glimmer
Lost on the Landing Explore the Lost Sector Kingship Dock near Thieves' Landing on the Tangled Shore. 1 2500 Glimmer

Devrim Kay, EDZ

Name Description Requirement Reward
Grenadier Get grenade kills in the EDZ. 20 Grenade kills 10 Dusklight Shard
The Big Guns Get Power weapon multikills in the EDZ. 3 Power weapon kills 10 Dusklight Shard
Lost Territory Acquire cache codes in Lost Sectors in the EDZ. 2 Cache codes acquired 10 Dusklight Shard

Sloane, Titan

Name Description Requirement Reward
Throw It Out Get grenade kills on Titan. 20 Grenade kills 10 Alkane Dust
Make It Rain Generate Orbs of Light on Titan. 10 Orbs generated 10 Alkane Dust
Spirit of the Sun Get Solar kills on Titan. 30 Solar kills 10 Alkane Dust

Failsafe, Nessus

Name Description Requirement Reward
To Smithereens Get grenade kills on Nessus. 20 Grenade kills 10 Microphasic Datalattice
War Machine Get Power weapon multikills on Nessus. 3 Power multikills 10 Microphasic Datalattice
Public Performance Complete public events on Nessus. 2 Public events completed 10 Microphasic Datalattice

Asher Mir, Io

Name Description Requirement Reward
"Vanguard" Outpost Complete patrols on Io. 2 Patrols completed 10 Phaseglass Needle
Persistence of Vision Create Orbs of Light on Io. 10 Orbs created 10 Phaseglass Needle
Candescent Shadow Get Void kills on Io. 30 Void kills 10 Phaseglass Needle

Brother Vance, Mercury

Name Description Requirement Reward
Lighthouse Keeper Defeat enemies on Mercury. 50 Enemies defeated 10 Simulation Seed
Chest a Moment Loot chests on Mercury. 5 Chests looted 10 Simulation Seed
Sunshine Get Solar ability kills on Mercury. 15 Solar kills 10 Simulation Seed

Ana Bray, Mars

Name Description Requirement Reward
Grenade Idea Defeat enemies on Mars using grenades. 20 Grenade kills 10 Seraphite
Vengeance of Valhalla Defeat multiple enemies at a time on Mars using the Valkyrie. 5 Valkyrie multikills 10 Seraphite
Legionary's Lament Defeat Cabal on Mars. 30 Cabal defeated 10 Seraphite

Unfortunately, Petra daily bounties can't be fetched through the API. Feel free to share them in the comments!

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Reckoning time.

Also, +1 additional Menagerie reward. It’s going to be a very rewarding weekend.