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This is a little bit of a rant. Like the title says last night I ran my 102nd clear of Scourge of the Past without getting Anarchy to drop. I've sherpa'd numerous people through this raid and have seen many Anarchys drop just not for me. Some have gotten on their first clear and have gotten many more since! I should have this gun by now. Its ridiculous!

We NEED RNG protection for raid exotics that aren't quest related. I really wouldn't mind exotics being RNG if we had the protections since I know I'm gonna run the raid a ton anyway. I would actually prefer that to the quest related exotics like Divinity, but either would be fine with me.

Its just a stinker for me because I'm a triumph hunter and I enjoy doing hard content. Anarchy would make some things easier like the solo flawless of the Pit which I had to do without the weapon.

All I'm saying is ya know 102 is a lot of raids and this shouldn't happen. How many runs have YOU completed without a raid exotic dropping? I'd like to see whos got it worse because I'm sure you're out there.

Edit: My raid report https://raid.report/pc/4611686018470846074

Thanks to my clan of Dads and for the people who keep running this with me every week! Maybe one day I'll get it.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the post. We've seen a few stories similar to this. While I cannot make the promise of RNG protection being added to previous raids, I can say that we're bringing this feedback to the development team.

Additionally, Anarchy is planned to receive an increase to drop chances in a future update. Want to set proper expectations, it should match the change we made to One Thousand Voices, which is currently at a 10% chance.

Stay tuned for official patch notes in the case something changes between now and then.