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Now I was playing Gambit during the dark times or should I say the bright red times of its life cycle when you couldn't take two steps when invaded or invading without dying instantly. I'm not saying that should return but I feel like truth has taken it's place ever since truth returned any time in Gambit you get invaded you can believe that a truth rocket will be flying at you shortly and it makes it to trivial to get team wipes or close to it there is no counter play besides another truth which I feel is unhealthy for Gambit very much similar to the way sleeper stimulant did. Now I'm not saying the damage should be nerfed I think no weapon should really. I think however though they need to decrease how many rockets you can hold in reserve and how many truth rockets they get from a brick as with scavenger mods and extra reserve mods this allows for a ridiculous amount of rockets.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Sleeper was an interesting subject, as it could be powerful for invading, counter invading, and Boss DPS at the time. It was an all in one utility, where Truth currently keeps focus to invasions.

Aside from ammo capacity, do you have any other feedback on Truth?