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This is not a post saying that Bungie doesn't care or isn't listening. With all the posts of people saying "this season was bad and this is how things should change" I figured it would be good to say that the development of the next season is probably already done. New activities, new cosmetics, etc. are already complete and your opinions on the season at this point are most likely getting seen, but it won't change the next season because everything is most likely already in place.

Let the next season be what it is. If your opinions haven't been heard and implemented by the time the season after comes, then we have a problem, but don't don't get mad when bungie can't change things that have been pointed out that they can't reasonably change at this point.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Yes, and no.

The team is digesting feedback over Season of the Undying every day. While there may not be time to make monumental shifts in development for the next season that's a few weeks out, the feedback we're seeing today could lead to changes midway through the season, or how we approach different aspects of Destiny 2 as a whole.

I understand that there is frustration that many items of feedback can't be rapidly addressed, but I still feel it's incredibly important for you to sound off with feedback whenever you have it. The longer the feedback is given, the more weight it has when it comes to priorities.

Time will always be our enemy, but I have to stress that your voices are heard internally. I talk with people on the development floor every day about your feedback, and it's incredibly valuable to us. I do hope that each set of patch notes has various bullets that indirectly communicate to you that we're indeed listening, and acting when possible.

Thank you.

over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by GrinningPariah

Yes, and no.

Gotcha, setting my expectations that the next season will address every single one of my particular issues with Undying! Thanks in advance!




over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Sylennus

If you want to surprise us for the next season, you can always go with the Spanish inquisition, nobody'll expect it.

Look, I just started watching Monty Python's Flying Circus and was so excited to understand an old meme, and you completely ruined my mood. Thanks. I just want to be a lumberjack.