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And not fixing that enemies defeated at the Boss room dont count for any bounty

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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

I don't believe the final encounter will ever be changed to give progress on those enemies. It's easily farmable, makes quest/bounties completely trivial.

I know we have some other areas that many of you hit for quick progress, but they're not intentional. Don't know if they'll be patched, but the team usually tries to avoid easy to cheese/farm encounters when creating content.

almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Binary_Toast

I wouldn't call it easily farmable. While the encounter itself might have a ton of enemies all in one place, to get there you have to go through an entire strike, and part of a boss fight.

Could you get that far, solo or in a group, to farm kills? Sure. Or you could hit up Whisper (is that going into the vault with Io?) or Shuro Chi in a fraction of the time, for considerably less effort.

It's also worth noting that unless it pops up on the legacy nightfall list, you can't actually solo that strike.

I think on average an entire strike takes 10-15 minutes with minimal effort. When I say minimal effort, I mean it's a natural path of playing a strike in a MM activity, as opposed to hitting an endgame activity.

Feedback point I am getting from this, though, is a lack of shared progress on the scorn kills. With a smaller pool of activities to get these kills from, mixed with competing with team mates for said kills, it can get frustrating!

Good stuff.