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We already have far too many. The upgrade economy is awful with upgrade modules, enhancement prisms, ascendant shards, and enhancement cores and of course, glimmer, legendary shards and bright dust. Let's not forget tokens, weapons parts, weapon telemetries, Gambit synths, Gambit motes, and this seasons two currencies. When new currency is inevitably introduced, I really hope our current mats can be exchanged and have some completely removed from the game.

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over 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Some currencies and items will end up rotating out of your inventory (Ex: Destinations that are going into the DCV won't need the slots in your inventory), so hopefully that cleans a few things up.

Team is definitely aware of this feedback. Don't have details to share on UI changes to currencies, but we'll definitely have a TWAB before launch going through stuff like that.

Also, I know there will be questions on "are currencies from DCV destinations going to be removed, or can I exchange them at a vendor in Beyond Light?" - Don't have info just yet on that. We'll let you know ASAP!