This week at Bungie, the Season had more arrivals.
The Pyramid ships have continued to arrive across the system. Along with Io, they now loom above Titan, Mercury, and Mars, with unknown intent. Guardians have continued to aid Eris in making contact through the new public event which is now located on Titan. There is also a new Exotic weapon quest available. Here is a peek if you haven’t already set out to claim it.
The timing of Pyramid reinforcements was impeccable, showing up on Bungie Day no less. No matter –the festivities went on. Bungie Day is a celebration of you, the community. And once again, we use this totally made up holiday as a reminder of how thankful we are to get to create worlds that inspire friendship.
Check out the Bungie Day post for the full info on the featured raids and how their weekly reward limit has been removed, as well as info on Moments of Triumph and how you can support the Bungie Foundation.
More in Store
Speaking of Bungie Day, as part of the celebration, we added new items to the Bungie Store and are running a sale until July 13. Make sure you go check out the goods.
Now that Moments of Triumph is live, the Moments of Triumph T-Shirt is available for pre-order through Bungie Rewards (assuming you have completed the necessary Triumphs).
If you are brave enough to complete all five of the featured raids during Season of Arrivals, we are also offering a new Raid Ring for purchase through Bungie Rewards. It goes great with one of your many raid jackets to further showcase your PvE prowess to jealous clan mates or certain community managers.
Winner Winner, Emblem Dinner
Leading up to Bungie Day, we ran a Fashion Show and an Art Show to show off the community’s talents. We were blown away with how many truly unique and amazing entries we received for both contests. It was difficult to choose the winners, but here are the ones we liked the most.
Bungie Day Fashion Show Winners
Destiny is beautiful.
Thank you for the amazing experiences @Bungie #BungieDayFashionShow #BungieDayArtShow
— 🦉owllock🦉 (@_owllock) July 7, 2020
#BungieDayFashionShow@Bungie Blue for you on Bungie Day 🧢👕👖
— Servi (@Servi38616076) July 3, 2020
Cold as Ice Still Somewhat Nice #BungieDayFashionShow
— DefyFly (@Flyboyah64d) July 3, 2020
This is my warlock for the #BungieDayFashionShow !!! Shader is Metro shift!
— FameElias (@EliasMakikokko) July 3, 2020
My blue warlock exploring the dreaming city !
Entry for the fashion show
— Axel Bouffard (@axel_bouffard) July 3, 2020
I love Destiny and my hunter <3#BungieDayFashionShow @Bungie
— BandyGander (@bandygander) July 3, 2020
Happy Bungie Day @Bungie
— Lisa (@lisamarie_g8) July 7, 2020
Bungie Day Art Show Winners
#BungieDayArtShow I had this idea some time ago how would look weapons if they were guardians. So I did some sketches, first finished is the famous duo Thorn & Lumina, hunter of darkness and warlock of light :)#Bungie #Destiny2
— Fester Kitusiowa (@Kathi_Langley) July 5, 2020
Hi I'm SquaredT and I make Destiny characters out of Lego#BungieDayArtShow
— SquaredT (@theSquaredT) July 4, 2020
Finished my three favorite characters ☑️
I'm working on a composition for Shax and Osiris `・ω・)9
I hope I'm not too late @Bungie
— 喝核子级能量的R狩 (@RAVENofABYESS) July 5, 2020
Riven of a Thousand Squish is done! And very smol. #BungieDayArtShow
— Knockyard (@knockyard) July 6, 2020
Stained glass ghost I made for the #BungieDayArtShow #BungieDay #Destiny2 @A_dmg04 @Cozmo23 @Bungie ❤️❤️❤️
— Peanut (@Peanut17405632) July 7, 2020
Anyone else feeling super nostalgic for those D1 Cosmodrome days? I used to just sit around and take screenshots of the skybox lol. I started this a while back, and figured #BungieDayArtShow would be the perfect time to post this. @Bungie @rDESTNYCREATION @DestinyComArt
— elesir (@ElesirArt) July 5, 2020
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to create something to share with the community. To all the winners, congratulations and please make sure you reply to your winning post with a link to your profile so we can send out your emblems.
Prime Continued
It’s been six months since Bungie and Twitch Prime joined forces as part of Twitch Prime Rewards. During that time, Destiny 2 players who have Twitch Prime memberships have benefitted by claiming some amazing rewards – from Exotic weapons like SUROS Regime and Prometheus Lens to Legendary and Exotic ships, Sparrows, Ghosts, weapon ornaments, and emotes.
Today we’re pleased to announce that we’re extending the Twitch Prime Rewards program in Destiny 2 for another four months. That means more amazing goodies coming your way, and all you need to take advantage of it is a Twitch Prime membership.
If you haven’t yet, make sure you have an active Twitch Prime subscription (visit this page to start your free trial) and then link your account. Each month, when a new drop becomes available, you can visit this page to claim your haul. Once that’s done, visit Amanda Holliday in the Tower… just make sure you’ve got room in your inventory for all the sweet loot! Our next set of Twitch Prime rewards are scheduled to arrive on July 22 featuring a certain Exotic weapon used for booping.
If you have other questions regarding Destiny 2 and Twitch Prime Rewards, check out our Help article with more details on how everything works.
Giving Back
There have been a lot of opportunities this year for you to support a good cause. From Direct Relief to our own Bungie Foundation, you all embrace the Guardian spirit and never shy away from stepping up to help others.
We’ve been working with our local Boys & Girls Club to provide essential services and meals to kids who are currently out of school.
Our iPads for Kids program has allowed doctors across the country to provide visual telehealth and communication services for patients while saving valuable PPE equipment.
Here is a look at how your support is helping with these ongoing endeavors.
We're continuing our campaign that began on Bungie Day and a direct donation of $25 or more will earn you the Bungie Foundation Destiny 2 emblem. 100% of your donation will support the iPads for Kids program!
*Note: A unique emblem code will be emailed to you within 48 hours of your donation. One emblem per donor.
The Exotic Empathetic Ghost Shell is still available on the Eververse Store! 100% of profits will support the iPads for Kids program.
*Note: Perks include the following:
- Guiding Light
- Speed Demon
- Random Destination Perk
The Bungie Foundation emblem and Exotic Empathetic Ghost Shell will be available until July 21.
Masterful Triumphs
Sometimes there are a few rough edges to smooth out when new content launches. The Player Support team is there to monitor the help forums and identify any issues that arise so we can keep you informed and get fixes rolling.
This is their report.
Last week, our Destiny 2 Twitch Extension received an upgrade. Viewers can now gift two subs to their favorite streamer in exchange for a shader, emblem, and other loot.
Players who didn’t receive them loot can contact us using our Twitch Extension Gift Subs contact form.
Please note:
- Gift sub progress only counts in a desktop browser. Gifting subs through the Twitch mobile app and mobile browser won’t count.
- Viewers should refresh the stream they are watching if they encounter issues with bounty progress after purchasing gift subs.
After Update 2.9.1 went live, it was discovered that the Festering Core Nightfall: The Ordeal strike wasn’t reflecting the correct difficulty level at the Master tier. To mitigate this issue, on Wednesday we changed the Nightfall: The Ordeal strike to The Pyramidion.
The Bungie Day emblem, Septenary Encryption, will be available to redeem next Tuesday, July 14, after the weekly reset.
GCX CHARITY EMBLEM Earlier this week, emails were sent out to those who donated exactly $50 or $100 during our June 18 GCX Charity Stream time of 9 AM to 1 PM PDT. Those who donated $100 will receive another emblem next Season. Players who believe they didn’t receive an email should look in their Spam folder, or create a thread in our Help Forum.
While emblem codes are no longer available, St. Jude is still accepting donations here.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues we’re looking into that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
- Players should only destroy Savathun’s Eyes using the Ruinous Effigy Exotic Trace Rifle itself. Progress doesn’t count toward the Hive-God Optimist Triumph in the Moments of Triumph 2020 Seal if a player destroys Savathun’s Eyes using the Orbs generated from Ruinous Effigy.
- The Lucent Blade armor mod doesn't always appear on Season 11 armor.
- The Energy Converter Mod won’t grant Super energy if a player already has over 50% of their Super. This is by design.
- Armor ornaments from the Eater of Worlds and Spire of Stars Raids no longer appear on player Collections.
- Some players can’t progress the “Means to an End” quest. While we continue our investigation, players can progress this quest by using an alternate character or joining another players who has already started the mission.
- Players who didn’t claim the reward for completing the “Means to an End” quest in one previous week will be locked out from acquiring and completing it the following week. Players will be able to acquire the quest again the week after the blocked week.
- Players unable to launch the “Interference” mission may be able to play through and complete it by joining someone else already in the mission.
- We continue to investigate the BEAVER error code appearing frequently on the Steam platform.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
Plays Adapted for Movies
Well, here we are. It’s that time again, Movie of the Week time. This is where we sample from a buffet of videos the community has been cooking up and choose a few of our favorites. Here are the top chefs this week.
Movie of the Week: Shaxx on Your Wall
Honorable Mention: Glowing Arrival
If you are a winner, please make sure your profile is in the description of the video and we’ll send out your special emblem soon.
It feels strange that 2020 is already half over, but at the same time, January seems like it was 10 years ago. It should be a fun summer full of raiding and Solstice of Heroes is just around the corner, coming in August. Now go finish up those Triumphs.
This is your moment.<3 Cozmo
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