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over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by gilbertbenjamington

Im actually excited to hopefully be able to reset infamy more than once a season

Here's an exact quote from Alan:

Finally, the elephant in the room: Why does Gambit Rank take significantly longer to reset than Crucible Rank? Especially if the rewards are effectively the same? Should it? Not any more. We took this opportunity to look at how long it takes for all 3 core reputations - Gambit, Crucible, and Vanguard - and balance them so it takes roughly the same amount of time to prestige.

The rank systems now all use the same 0-10000 scale, and the Activity Completion rank rewards are the same no matter where are in the climb.

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by RhysWX

The Grandmaster catch-up node will become available at the same time that Grandmaster difficulty is available, so long as you have the Conqueror title but have not yet gilded it this Season.

  • Each Grandmaster Nightfall will be available if the fireteam leader has not completed the gilding Triumph for that strike during the Season.
  • In other words, you may play each featured strike for a Season to earn your gilded title. Once you’ve gilded your title, the catch-up node will no longer be available.

This is it chief. Great change.

Clarification on that: Once you play a GM strike, it's removed from the catch-up node. Once all strikes have been completed, the node is no longer available.

So, as an example: Once you complete Lake of Shadows at GM difficulty, it's removed from the list and cannot be infinitely farmed for 5 minute GM completions.

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by Rileyman360

Absolutely solid changes to the progression system. I know cutting our potential highest winstreak bonus in half seems a bit suspicious, getting an overall shorter progression on top of one that doesn't put so much emphasis on needing to win I think is a fair enough trade off. Still holding out for the final product to see how it really turns out but everything here sounds stellar.

Personally, pretty excited for this. Activity Streaks in particular will feel great, especially for people like me who hop in to Gambit or Crucible solo. Losing won't sting as much.

Removing rep from Bounties will also be a nice change - no longer having to switch up my loadout and potentially preform worse is something greatly appreciated.

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by GreekWizard

But if it's the weekly GM, it can still be selected regardless if we were gilded correct?

Yep! So if you're really eager for that farm - have at it when it's featured.

over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by antiMATTer724

Really see no reason to change the names. You could update the progression system and leave the names the same if grinding the activity is going to give progress. Unless there's something I'm not understanding.

Streamlines the reputation names so they're more approachable. Think of it from a new player perspective.

"Ah, so wait... Valor? Is from... Crucible? Like all of Crucible? But Glory is only from Competitive? Trials is competitive, right? Do I get it from there? No? Ok and Infamy is Gambit. But what's the new Vanguard stuff called again? And what about this vendor over here..."

Destiny already has a lot of words for players to memorize and understand. Def hear you on the feedback that some flavor is lost, but hopefully these changes will help blueberries as they try to learn D2 from a fresh perspective.