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As the person with the most clears since the quest went live,

[ proof attached https://imgur.com/a/xWIaFzf ]

I first off want to thank Bungie and the Destiny community for this experience. Meeting so many different people during this grind has been wonderful, and Bungie's ability to create a game world so intriguing that I'm willing to sit through roughly 60 hours of the same public event just to progress a community quest is something to be proud of.

With that being said, having the quest bugged is devastating. It's obviously not the end of the world and waiting a few extra hours for it to be fixed isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. However, seeing all of this time and effort halted because of something that's out of my control hurts. With the COVID outbreak causing devs to work from home, I expected this season and the next to have some issues. It seems that these issues are becoming more and more rampant. From the 4th Horseman quest having the wrong Lost Sector available to the constant beavers and disconnects to now this, it seems like the overall quality of the game is declining. And as someone who has fallen in love with this franchise, it crushes me to see.

Once the quest fixed, I'm going to be right back in the game to earn my reward but in the meantime, I'm gonna take a nap.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Bugs suck, plain and simple. I think I can speak for most anyone at Bungie when I say that it hurts to see stuff like this ship. We absolutely want to build amazing experiences from beginning to end, but things just don't fly the right way sometimes.

We're working on improvements internally. We definitely see the bugs shipping and how they're impacting the experience. This isn't a matter of test specifically, mind you. I have to applaud our folks on the amount of bugs that don't ship. This one in particular, we're even having issues reproducing it internally. Sometimes it's tools, sometimes it's timelines, sometimes it's random things we could never have caught in our limited amount of dev time.

Thank you for your service in helping to get the community step done. Hope to get things back on track quickly.