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If you're not aware, the in-game clan roster has been broken since Shadowkeep. What is happening is that the roster only displays people you are friends with on steam, everyone else is grayed out and simply says "offline" or "online". You cannot inspect or invite anyone not on your friends list.

This is a huge issue especially for bigger clans where you cannot realistically add every single player to your friends list.

Cozmo said over a year ago that they are working on a fix but we haven't heard much since as far as I'm aware. Any news on the process of fixing this bug?

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over 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I can give an update. With Cross Play coming next season we rolled the fix for this bug into into the the new system that will handle Cross Play as there were a lot of dependencies. Sorry this one has taken a while to get fixed but it should be good to go next season.