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They waited this long to add the feature, so they could’ve easily gone “look, we’re gonna essentially trivialize bounties in two months, just hang in there for a little longer”.

I suspect people mostly wanted the ability to acquire their weeklies from orbit, and maybe dailies if you’re after the powerful engram. I don’t see myself using this Companion App bounty feature anymore since I don’t grind powerfuls/XP rigorously and got my weekly bounties because of their Bright Dust value only (and maybe some repeatables for extra BD and finish out that 8/8 challenge if I’m feeling like it).

Anyway, interesting timing I found this to be.

(Edit: I don’t get why many if you think I was complaining in this post. In the title I start by praising Bungie’s hard work.)

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over 3 years ago - /u/sassy_warsat - Direct link

It wasn't totally selfless, don't worry! <3 I use the app pretty obsessively while I'm in crucible or gambit queue. I'm really glad you like the feature!