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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/49425

This week at Bungie, we're getting ready for Solstice of Heroes.

Once again, it’s time for the annual tradition of honoring Guardians and your great accomplishments. Our free summer event, Solstice of Heroes, starts next week on August 11. 

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The European Aerial Zone is back and full of Hive, Cabal, and Fallen enemies for you to dispatch. Defeat as many of the bosses as you can in a fireteam of three and then hunt for chests that are hidden away around the floating island. The more bosses you take down, the more rewards you will earn.  

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This year, we have a new approach to Solstice of Heroes armor that we think is going to give you far more flexibility on how you show off your Solstice-ness. 

Similar to previous years, you will start with a Rare set and upgrade it into a Majestic Legendary set. Once you have all of your Legendary gear, you can start a final set of objectives to upgrade it to a Magnificent set. Here is a look at the objectives required:

  • Complete a Nightfall Ordeal on the Master difficulty.
  • Complete a Nightmare Hunt.
  • Complete Pit of Heresy.
  • Win seven Trials of Osiris matches. (Not on a single Passage)
  • Complete a Tier 5 Altar of Sorrow three times.

Completing these objectives will unlock a white glow on your armor. You need to upgrade your armor to Majestic during Solstice of Heroes but can continue to complete these objectives after the event ends. You can continue to earn more randomly rolled pieces for your Magnificent set in the EAZ.  


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Earning the Majestic Legendary set will unlock the option to purchase a Universal Ornament set from Eververse for either Silver or Bright Dust. This ornament will change its glow to match your Elemental subclass color. Unlike last year, you won’t need to purchase individual color glows. Each class set will be able to display three different elemental glows that will match whatever subclass you have equipped at the time.


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Since the Elemental glow sets are Universal Ornaments, you will be able to apply them to any armor 2.0 pieces instead of only being able to apply them to your Solstice armor like before. 

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As a bonus, all of the Elemental Universal Ornaments will also support a fourth glow for players who equip the Stasis subclass when Beyond Light releases this fall.  

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One of our goals with the Solstice of Heroes armor was to improve the experience of earning over previous years. There won’t be any major armor updates, so once you earn your Majestic set it will be relevant up until next year’s event. The Elemental glows being made into Universal Ornaments will ensure you can use them on any of your high stat armor going forward.  

Glows can’t be toggled on and off for Universal Ornaments. That is why this year’s glows are always on, as they are built into their Universal Ornaments.

The white glow on the Legendary Magnificent set are also always on once you complete the challenge for the corresponding piece. Both the white glows and the elemental glows will increase their intensity depending on how much super energy you have at the time. 


The Eververse store will also have some shiny new things available. Every new Solstice of Heroes item will be available for both Silver and Bright Dust at some time during the event with the exception of the “Iron Severance” Finisher. 

Here is a quick look at some of the wares. 

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For more info on the event, check out our Solstice of Heroes page. Enjoy the celebration! 

Lo-fi Beats

The Bungie Music team just released a remix lo-fi Destiny 2 track perfect for unwinding after an adrenaline pumping Crucible match or stressful Flawless dungeon finish. Put on some headphones and kick back with your feet up to these soothing jams. 

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Our Player Support team is here to help. They are tracking known issues and making sure you have info on

This is their report.


In Hotfix, we resolved an issue some players had where they couldn’t complete their “Means to an End” quest nor the Prismatic Recaster Weekly Challenge. To resolve the issue, the quest will now delete from player inventories at each weekly reset. If players try to hold onto their Pinnacle Engram from the Prismastic Recaster past the weekly reset, it will be lost and players will need to complete the new quest for that week to obtain another engram.

Additionally, players will now be able to complete the “Means to an End” quest on multiple characters of the same class. Each class is still restricted to a single Pinnacle reward engram and subsequent runs on characters of the same class will provide a non-powerful Legendary Engram instead.

Players still having issues should file a report in our #Help Forum.


Until September 23, post-game carnage reports (PGCRs) won’t be available between 1-4 AM PDT due to database maintenance.


  • Players should no longer have their name censored on Steam.
  • For players who can’t use chat while playing on PC, they can fix this issue by opting out of participating in the Steam Client Beta program.


While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:

  • The Corrupted Nightfall: The Ordeal has inconsistent respawn locations, causing players to spawn out of bounds.
  • When holding a Sword, the ability to regenerate a melee won't work for any class.
  • Some players still report that they can’t claim their “Means to an End” quest or don’t receive a Pinnacle Engram for completing the quest.

For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Short Films

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This is Movies of the Week. Sit down and watch.

Movie of the Week: Emergence

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Honorable Mention: Try Hard Now

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If you’re one of these winners, please make sure you have your Bungie.net profile in the description of said video so we can get you your emblem. 

Hope you’re having a good week in the Iron Banner. Finish up your bounties and claim your pinnacles before the reset. Then it’s off to the EAZ to level up a fresh new set of Solstice armor. I’ll see you out there. 

<3 Cozmo

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over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Envaze458

Bungie for real, its time to be extremely clear about last year's glows. I dont understand why we have had to wait this long to hear about why they aren't universal ornaments and why the set we got during shadowkeep was horribly rolled and no seasonal mod slot making them effectively useless after shadowkeep launched.

We concentrated on improving the armor and ornament experience for current and future Solstice of Heroes events, but we have no plans to return to make changes to the old armor at this time.

over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

I made an error in the TWAB yesterday. I just corrected it but wanted to call out what was changed for clarification.

  • You don’t need to complete the final 5 listed objectives to upgrade from Majestic to Magnificent.
  • Those final objectives are only to unlock the glows on the Magnificent set.
  • You do need to upgrade from the Majestic to Magnificent set during the Solstice of Heroes event.
  • You can continue to do the final objectives on the Magnificent set to unlock the Glows even after the event ends.