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Remember back in January when you addressed that the Perfect Fifth shot was canceled when you fired again as it explodes? I do, because it's still happening. I was trying to use Wrath of the Warmind mod to work off of the Dragonfly explosions and the Perfect Fifth to spawn Warmind Cells, and yet, I found to be canceling the Perfect Fifth whenever i shot again after i proc'd it. please fix this. i want to feel thematically appropriate, as it's Ana's gun, and this season has Ana as a focal point.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

We're still working on this one. Sorry, it's taking some time, but looking at the bug it looks like making the change could impact other weapons that have multiple types of projectiles and they are making sure there aren't any side effects caused by the fix. It's not going to go out in the next update but is currently scheduled for the one after that.