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Greetings Guardians!

We're fast approaching the 5th anniversary of Destiny's release, and what a wild ride it's been. But before we even got that far, something truly awesome happened:


HOLY SHANKS, ZAVALA! That's a lot!

Can you believe it? Only 18 months ago, we broke 500,00 subscribers (and dropped back below 500k just so we could celebrate 500k again). All in all, a year and a half is a damn good doubling time.

Another milestone came along 8 months ago, when we broke 777,777 subscribers. That's is the kind of milestone we'd only celebrate on a subreddit born of Bungie and their undying love of the number 7, which we naturally inherited.

Becoming Legend

You might be wondering how we got this far. It's been a long (and sometimes bumpy) journey to get here, and it all started on u/Norsefenrir's birthday more than six and a half years ago:

  • This subreddit was created by /u/Cozmo23 on Wednesday, the 5th of December, 2012, right after the announcement of Destiny.

  • We hit 10,000 subscribers on the 19th of January, 2014

  • We hit 50,000 subscribers on 8th of September, 2014 (the day before Destiny vanilla launched)

  • We hit 100,000 subscribers on the 24th of September, 2014.

  • We hit 200,000 subscribers on the 7th of September, 2015

  • We hit 300,000 subscribers on the 7th of January, 2017

  • We hit 400,000 subscribers on the 12th of September, 2017

  • We hit 500,000 subscribers on 11th of January, 2018

  • We dropped down below 500,000 subscribers on 21st of March, 2018

  • We broke 500,000 subscribers a second time on 2nd of April, 2018

  • We hit 777,777 subscribers on 18th of November, 2018

You can view all our ups and downs here

. As you can see, that brief period of general dissatisfaction in early 2018 was just a tiny blip in our history. We've been soaring high ever since, with continuous and sizable growth since the Go-Fast update in March 2018.

Where We Stand Today

So we did it. Where does 1,000,000 leave us in comparison to the rest of Reddit?

  • At the time of writing, we are the 225th largest sub overall.

  • Not impressed? Try this out for size: We're the 35th most active sub by comment count, and the 24th most active sub by post count.

  • When it comes to other gaming subreddits, we are the 17th largest gaming sub, and the 9th largest gaming sub dedicated to a single franchise.

Guardians' Comings & Goings

Besides farming salt, what do all our subscribers tend to do around here? Here are some traffic stats for the past year:

  • Visitors per month were greatest in September 2018, with 3,112,513 unique visitors (both logged in and logged out). The lowest number of visitors was in February, with 1,625,252 unique visitors

  • The current all-time record for visitors is still the launch month of Destiny 2, which brought 3,784,610 unique viewers to the subreddit.

  • In terms of pageviews, the most was also in September, with 109,415,999 (!) page views. Similarly, the lowest was in February, with 29,181,618 page views. Overall, we've ranged between 18 to 30 pageviews per unique visitor per month.

  • Forsaken just barely beat out the launch month of Destiny 2 for page views, with the latter event drawing 105,822,445 page views.

  • Mobile users continue to make up the majority of our user base, followed by app users, new Reddit, and old Reddit users. In June of 2019, their respective counts were:

    • Mobile users (web): 946,207
    • Mobile users (apps): 397,739
    • Desktop users (new Reddit): 353,918
    • Desptop users (old Reddit): 123,528
  • App users, however, make the majority of our page views, followed by mobile web, old Reddit, and new Reddit. In June, the pageview counts by platform were:

    • Mobile views (apps): 21,904,954
    • Mobile views (web): 5,646,921
    • Desktop views (old Reddit): 4,206,776
    • Desktop views (new Reddit): 3,662,091
  • We've had fairly steady growth over the past few months, typically ranging between one 1000 and 2000 new subscribers per day. At the same time, we've had an average of between 300 and 400 users unsubscribe, so overall, we've been gaining an average of about a thousand users a day for the past year.

Movie Time!

To commemorate this momentous occasion, our team put together some special videos to celebrate. First up, here's a few words from our Senior Not-Bungie Animator u/ChrisDAnimation:

Hello! I've been a member of this particular little slice of the Destiny community for almost 4 years, and as a way of saying thanks to everyone here who subscribes and participates on DTG, I've used my After Effects super wizardry to help craft this little thank you video. u/Hawkmoona_Matata and u/CaptainCosmodrome were nice enough to commission a well-known voiceover artist to say some inspirational words, and I ran with what they delivered.


— ChrisDAnimation

Video: r/DestinyTheGame Never Quits

Now, if you're here, it's a pretty safe bet that you probably like Destiny. Perhaps maybe a little too much. So much so that you've turned the games' best (and worst) moments into something truly unforgettable. To celebrate how much we enjoy how much we all love this game, u/Hawkmoona_Matata put together a compilation of all our best memes.

Video: How r/DTG Describes Destiny 2

Finally, we'd like to give a big shoutout to u/Clarkey7163 and u/ChrisDAnimation for putting together the snazzy new banner. You guys rock!

This is the big one, perhaps the most significant milestone we'll ever pass as a subreddit. What's next? 1.5 million? 2 million? 10 million? 7.53 billion? Only time will tell. It’s been an amazing journey as players, moderators and just overall fans of this great game. We’ve taken back worlds, discovered the deepest secrets of the Golden Age, become Sword Breakers, Vault Raiders, God Slayers and there’s no been no better Fireteam to do it with than you, r/DestinyTheGame. From the mod team to you all, thank you for the journey.

Eyes up Guardians, and remember:

Moon's Haunted

Love, your r/DTG Mods

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link


It's been so much fun to watch this place grow over the years. 1,000,000 is far more than I ever imagined when this place was getting up and running. I still love visiting every day as part of my patrol of the Destiny community. Big thanks to the amazing mod team that keeps this place going and to all of you who post amazing content every day. Also, big thanks to those of you who sh*tpost as well.

See you at 2 million, be brave.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Cozmo23


It's been so much fun to watch this place grow over the years. 1,000,000 is far more than I ever imagined when this place was getting up and running. I still love visiting every day as part of my patrol of the Destiny community. Big thanks to the amazing mod team that keeps this place going and to all of you who post amazing content every day. Also, big thanks to those of you who shitpost as well.

See you at 2 million, be brave.

I almost forgot.

Happy birthday /u/Norsefenrir! It's really amazing this happened on the same day you were born.