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In regards to the TWAB today, Hippy (the new CM who wrote it), Dmg, and Kevin Yanes (sandbox lead) have all alluded on twitter that there is a whole entire weapon system that will make the orb change less impactful.




However this is just a blatant failure to communicate. You’re intentionally giving us negative news with the caveat that “don’t worry guys it’s gonna get better”.

This doesn’t build hype. It just fosters an attitude of “this better be worth it”.

You can’t say communication is important when you’re intentionally hold out info like this.

The majority of players do not like the information presented. You all know this community well enough. You should have expected this.

Why not just give us all the information up front? It’s not like there isn’t plenty of other reveals to give us to build hype in later TWABs.

This is just an intentional failure to communicate.

Edit: The amount of people missing the point is hilarious. Bungie is taking away our current ability to make orbs, making it into a mod that competes in a already crowded helmet section, and is just saying “no guys trust us, it’s gonna real cool when you see the other half”. It would be much easier to sell this if they gave us the good with the bad.

Also if you’re saying “it’s just another mod”, then clearly the hardest content you play is a Legend Nightfall.

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about 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

I hear you, and thanks for the feedback.

Plan was to keep this TWAB focused on armor mods (between changes to the artifact and a sneak peek at champ mods), with weapon news coming in just a few weeks. I understand this change impacts weapons specifically due to the nature of the change, but still wanted to keep the conversations split as we're still getting information together for the weapons TWAB. We've done this a few times before, going from weapons -> armor -> mods -> other, but obviously these had a little too much overlap to have a clean split.

Apologies for the lack of a full picture here. We've got bit to cover over the next 5 TWAB's, want to make sure each team gets enough time to finish up their content and work with us on the messaging. While we want to get you all of the information the moment we hear about it, sometimes things are still being tied down and we don't want to make promises that we end up not being able to keep. That said, we can do more work in the future to make sure enough info is available (between goals & execution) to give a better picture. Now, don't get me wrong - that doesn't mean every player will always agree with the direction we're taking a given feature or topic, but hopefully it gives enough context to help players understand the what & why.

Jeez... 5 TWAB's until witch queen. That's pretty crazy to think. We've got a lot of work to do.

about 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by YeesherPQQP

You failed.

I have before, and I can promise you I probably will again in the future!

Thanks for the reminder, though.