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In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction. The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.

History does in fact, repeat itself. Get ready to regrind for those weapons you've spent the last 2 years grinding for. Unless they introduce a consumable to bring sunset weapons/armor to current power level.

Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/12447/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---12042014

EDIT: Yo - thanks for the silver!

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

It's hard for me to speak to this since it's even older than my time at Bungie and I'll have been here 5 years in July. As community managers we are extremely careful with what we say. We try to be as accurate as possible and represent the vision of an entire studio and future proof our coms as much as possible. It can bee tricky at times since Destiny is fairly complex game that is always evolving.

Back to the point, the game has changed significantly in the last 5 years and It's pretty obvious that in the moment that TWAB was written we weren't forecasting out all of the possible timelines for the next 5+ years to come Dr Who style

. Infusion changes are what the team thinks is best for the games health going forward. We truly welcome any and all feedback on why you believe these changes won't be good for the game and will continue to share those thoughts with the team. We'll continue to give you details on future plans and if anything changes, we'll let you know.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by DeerTrivia

we weren't forecasting out all of the possible timelines for the next 5+ years to come Dr Who style.



almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Kidnappedboy

Can you please clarify one thing from yesterdays twab? Core activities sharing the world loot pool mean there will be no uniques other than the one armor set? u/Cozmo23

Armor will come from specific activities like Crucible and Gambit and turning in tokens at the vendors, but you will get weapons from the world loot pool listed in the TWAB from doing those activities or turning in tokens at the vendors.

So for example, you would always get Crucible armor from turning in tokens to Shaxx, but you might get the Gambit sidearm for turning in Crucible tokens as well.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by faesmooched

Calling it Dr. Who and showing a picture of Doctor Strange? Damn, haven't the communtiy managers already gotten enough nerd rage?

Seriously though, thanks for this.

To be honest I was concentrating far more on the rest of the message. :)

I don't even watch Dr. Who.

Should I?