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Korea's daily reset time is 2 am. This means we cannot play game immediatly after update at home. Anyway, this guide article also saying you can play game at pc bang(with is specialized pc cafe in korea) but this means we need to pay more money because pc bang is not free. If I want to play game all the time, I need to buy a game and pay extra money for using pc bang.

In fact, Pc bang problem is little bit complicated. There are many game publishers get extra cash for "Play free" by Pc bang. Blizzard also using this, So we can play Destiny, Overwatch or Starcraft 2 without paying it. I also didn't purchased Destiny guardians(or destiny 2) but my Pc bang paying cash to Blizzard. But Bungie didn't make a decision about pc bang service, and this makes Pc bang users(including me) having trouble now. They even consider buying portable SSD drive for downloading Destiny and play in pc bang.

Our community is dying though. They even consider refund this days. Please say this is not true...8ㅅ8

So, conclusion. This is what I want to ask.

  1. Why korean guardians cannot play game at home between 12 am to 6 am?

  2. Is pc bang service going to last next season? Bungie didn't stated how to service Destiny in pc bang in coming october. Need more infomation.


  1. There is cinderella law(which players under age 19 shut down game in 12~6 am)in korea, so this might effect Bungie do this. But they didn't wrote a reason, so this is just asumption. But very accurate. I also agree this law makes this situation. But there will be a better solution than this....

  2. This guide article updated today(19/9/4 morning in korea). we even do not know this has applied. We can get more information about 8 hours later because the time I editting this is 4 pm in korea.


  1. Thanks for reading this sh*tty English article...I'm not good at writing...So sorry😭😭

  2. It's about 6 pm in korea now. So after 6 hours, we can find out this is real.


  1. More infomation. In korea, every steam game don't follow cinderella law. If Bungie tries to save korean gamers, simply just remove this restriction can be the answer. There are no reason why Bungie choose this way.

  2. editting wrong spelling and grammar...😭😭


this is important. people who interested in more details, read this.

Korean Law problem should be more detailed I think. Bungie looks like wants to service Destiny Pc bang in korea, like rainbow six siege or dota 2. It's worth 996603.24 doller revenue per year by comparing other PC bang premium games. It looks like Bungie don't want losing Pc bang revenue, So they service the game by bringing a new publisher. This move makes Bungie should follow the law of korea.

In fact, Bungie's Pc bang's premium service isn't work with shadowkeep. Koreaplayers need to buy shadowkeep for playing in Pc bang. This makes no sence at all, because what bungie earned by Pc bang is for "playing without buying game permission" for Pc bang, but they removed it. even forsaken and season pass is removed in pc bang.

This makes no sence at all because all we can play in Pc bang is new light, and this is definitly not pc bang premium service. Pc bang don't need to pay a extra cash by servicing free things. This is how things work in korea.

What bungie can do was just selling a package and that's all. We don't need to deserve this situation.

edit 5

it's 12 am in korea now, and nobody kicked out. This is good news. maybe guide was wrong. But in some point, if Destiny move to steam then there is no SSN verification, which makes server Shutdown for everybody. Need to be addressed and more infomation....

Anyway, I'll gonna sleep! Thanks for reading this and have a good day guardians!

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

We updated our help article to clear up some confusion.

Tweet: https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1169364090323517440?s=20

We have removed a section of our Destiny Guardians support pages for the Korean region, which stated that Destiny Guardians is taken offline every night from 12 AM to 6 AM KST.

This may only take effect for players who are under the age of 16, in accordance with Korean law.