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From the latest TWAB: "True Prophecy has been removed from world loot pool. This is intentional."

It looks like despite all the senseless downvoting of my other threads, I managed to get Bungie's attention with this. Unfortunately, it turns out it was intentional. Does anyone have any idea why this could be the case? They'd previously announced they were removing Season 9 (1260-capped) weapons. True Prophecy is from Season 10, 1310-capped. I know the reprised Iron Banner handcannon fills the same niche, but it has different rolls and is only obtained from one intermittent source. This is a bummer.

EDIT: my updated thoughts

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over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

True Prophecy was removed due to adding the Seventh Seraph hand cannon and wanting to make sure the world pool has a balanced distribution. Those two along with Dire Promise would mean players would be getting more kinetic hand cannons over other drops in the world pool, and our goal is to ensure players have wide variety of archetypes in the world pool.

Spoiler: We do have two new 120 Hand Cannons coming next season for anyone who is enjoying that sub archetype.

over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Working_Bones

Thanks so much for replying! I wasn't trying to hate on your team with this post, I really just wanted an explanation. I see where you're coming from but personally I think 120, 140, and 180 hand cannons are distinct enough to warrant the inclusion of all 3 of them in the loot pool. And that the RPM difference creates just as much variety as the kinetic/energy difference. Especially when True Prophecy is relatively new and had plenty of time left before its sunset date. And when hand cannons were just given so many changes and have become so viable again in the meta.

Couldn't you have individually reduced the drop rates of the 3 kinetic hand cannons while keeping them all in the loot pool? Thus maintaining the drop rate of 'kinetic hand cannon generally' relative to other weapon archetypes?

Personally I have more Seventh Seraphs and Dire Promises than I'll ever need and would trade a million drops of them for another 10 True Prophecies, but maybe it's just me.

I think 120, 140, and 180 hand cannons are distinct enough to warrant the inclusion of all 3 of them in the loot pool. And that the RPM difference creates just as much variety as the kinetic/energy difference.

Yea that is totally fair. We just wanted to give you some info on why that change was made. I'm just glad we were able to get the overall change in so quickly even if there was an outlier here based on the feedback.