Original Post — Direct link

Good Morning Guardians,

From the launch of Shadowkeep, Destiny 2 has become a Free to Entry game and while this is a great step for overall accessibility, it does appear a dark cloud has come with it. Not in game but outside of it.

We want to address this while also advising you this is a serious reminder of Rule 1 and we expect all Sub users to take note of this going forward. We also expect every user to read and understand our Rules before posting to r/DTG, that should go without saying. Full list of Sub Rules

Any questions about our Rules can be directed to us via Modmail

Season of the Witch

Since the inception of the new entry method of getting into the game we have had to administer roughly 80+ Witch Hunting Bans since Shadowkeep in the last month and we believe we're at the point where this Sub Rule needs driving home for visibility and to stop it from hitting our doorstep.

We know how you feel, we don't like cheaters anymore than the next fair play loving Guardian but reporting it here does not progress your report or make action against cheaters any more effective. You MUST report this through the proper channels, not here.

🚨🚨Report suspected game cheaters to Bungie directly via in-game options or this contact form.🚨🚨

Bungie need your reports more than DTGs users and that will always be a fact.

We have addressed it previously (below) and the time has come to put a full stop to this occurring on r/DTG

While this post will be a copy of previous reminders, all information we have given around it still stands.

1. A note on Witch Hunting and Harassment - Absolutely no witchhunting, harassment or intention to harass is permitted.

  • Posting the personal information of another user is in a negative or accusatory light is strictly prohibited. This includes posting someone else's gamertag/PSID/Steam Name, looking through their posting history to find their gamertag/PSID/Steam Name, and/or linking to/posting their gamer stats without their explicit permission; including Real Life information as well.

  • The reasons behind this is due to potential harassment which can stem from this behavior. You will be treated under this rule regardless of whether you mean to post the information, whether you didn't know you were doing it, or you are trying to solicit it from other users (Incite a Witch Hunt).

  • Violations of this reddit-wide rule will result in mod action, ranging from temporary bans to admin involvement.

  • Posts about Trials lag, "DDOS'ing", illegitimate Trials cards, illegitimate Competitive or Quickplay Crucible outcomes, and any and all other related claims/subjects/topics/media are now being removed. No exceptions will be granted.

  • Report suspected game cheaters to Bungie directly via in-game options or this contact form.


The subsequent form, looks like this


What is witchhunting?

Witchhunting comes in a number of forms, from doxxing to "naming and shaming" to posting videos with GamerTags/PSN IDs visible with an accusation of wrongdoing to digging up somebody's Guardian profile (Bungie.net, DestinyDB, DestinyTracker, etc.) in accusing somebody of lying, cheating, etc.

A few examples of witchhunting versus not witchhunting:

  • End of match scorecard with names visible, accusing top player of cheating because they have 100 kills and 0 deaths - Witchhunting

  • End of match scorecard with names edited out, accusing top player of cheating because they have 100 kills and 0 deaths - NOT Witchhunting

  • Post giving real name of user you think is lag switching - Witchhunting

  • Post warning others to avoid a certain player in Vanguard Playlists because they sit AFK the whole time - Witchhunting

  • Post with direct links to Crucible match reports, saying that you believe this is evidence that a team is DDOSing their opponents to win - Witchhunting

  • Posting a link / image showing a Steam name negatively. Yes we are aware these can be changed on a Dime but the rule still stands. DO NOT share other users information to identify them / highlight their possible in game conduct - Witchhunting

  • Video post with player names visible, asking "Is this cheating?" or otherwise questioning the legitimacy of what was recorded - Witchhunting

  • Video post with player names edited out, asking "Is this cheating? or otherwise questioning the legitimacy of what was recorded - NOT Witchhunting (Fair warning, if you edit out someone yet leave ANY names in, very likely it can be found on Destiny Tracker anyway and if that is the case it is Witchhunting)

Why is this not allowed?

There is a Reddit-wide rule against witchhunting and the rationale is pretty reasonable:

"We all get outraged by the ignorant things people say and do online, but witch hunts and vigilantism hurt innocent people"

But this policy just protects cheaters! How will we get justice?!?!

No, it doesn't protect cheaters. Naming and shaming alleged cheaters on this subreddit will not result in justice. Bungie is NOT going to ban somebody because you paraded their alleged cheating all over this subreddit.

The policy is more there to protect non-cheaters. So if someone alleges that you, a Guardian who follows the rules, were cheating, you won’t have others attempting vigilante justice.

You want justice for cheaters? Report folks who you witness cheating in-game, personally. Let Bungie take it from there.

What will happen to folks who witchhunt here?

First-time offenders will receive a 30 day ban from the subreddit.

(Yes, without prior warnings. No, being unaware of the rule doesn’t excuse you from it. Yes, it is that strict.)

Second-time offenders will receive a permanent ban from the subreddit.

The Last Word

This is serious stuff, Guardians. We understand that you HATE cheating because WE DO TOO, but witchhunting is NOT okay, no matter how frustrated you are.

Consider this a warning.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about witchhunting.

If you are unsure if something you wish to post or comment is witchhunting, please send us a Mod Mail to ask for clarification BEFORE you share it!

External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

FYI: You can also use bungie.net PGCRs to report players if you miss the chance to do so in game. Sign into bungie.net, use the nav to go "Game History", switch to "Crucible" to filter to all your PvP games (for example). The various tabs for each game will have player names and their stat value for that item. You can click on the player name and hit "Report Player". This will enable a UI that will build a report exactly as if you did it in game and send it to the same place.

Reported games help supplement our automatic scanning systems - the more data we have, the more effectively we can remove cheaters.

Of course, the contact form works too.

over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by MinnieCantDriver

What’s the Old Witch of Cuba have to do with anything?

Came to this thread - searched "Cuba," was not disappointed.