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In the launch of D2 Rockets were adjusted from their predecessors in D1. Reduced to single shot launchers, were as in D1 2 or even 3 in the tube with tripod was the norm.

My favorite rolls I had on Legendary Rockets to Date

•Choleric Dragon SRT-49 (Arc/Tripod/Quickdraw/Clusterbombs)

•Hezen's Vengeance (Solar/FlairedMagwell/Tripod/MirvMini)

•The Warpath (Void/FlairedMagwell/Tripod/Clusterbombs)

•Unto Dust 00 (Solar/FieldScout/Tripod/Cluster bombs)

•Hunger of Crota (Solar/Tracking/Quickdraw/Clusterbombs)

Let's not continue to leave Rockets behind please.

If I were to suggest anything, give all Legendary Rockets a base 2 rocket mag size and then allow Back-Up Mag to add an additional. This way at least Rockets in D2 can be on Par with Rockets in D1.

Any who happen by this post feel free to add your thoughts on Rockets as well

Edit: Just to remind the PvP players out there, you only get 1 Rocket from a heavy brick in PvP since Shadowkeep. So if you're worried PvP will not be effected I hope this puts your fears to rest. It'll mainly effect PvE

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Riablo01

This is what I’d do to fix rockets:

• Increase reserves from 6 to 10

• Increase ammo capacity from 1 to 2

• Field Prep provides +2 ammo instead of +1

• Reduce self harm damage for rockets

I'll share these suggestions with sandbox designers. Thanks.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by THE-SWOTI

NO, wheres the fun and thrill with rocket launchers without the possibility of a friend blocking your shot with their butt, barrier, bubble or body and blowing you up? Woah i just noticed, those things all start with a b. NERF THE BEES

Truth. My favorite part of playing a Titan is putting down a bubble when your fireteam is firing rockets.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by Jaspador

One of my old D1 mates will still refer to that one time I dropped a bubble at his feet while we were DPSing the Templar.

Or on the island DPSing Atheon.