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So if you go to light gg right now you can see that the new perks added to the Twilight Oath and Tigerspite have a 0.0% usage rate. Abide the Return has a 0.1 usage percent on the new perks.

But surely someone should have earned a Twilight Oath or Tigerspite with new perks If they are indeed dropping right? I did some research and I’ve heard if you are on a new account you can still earn a single drop of the weapons to fill your collection which could explain the 0.1 percent for the Abide the Return.

So It’s clear that there is some bug preventing them from dropping yet I see no one addressing this. No youtubers have made videos yet and Bungie is probably hoping no one has noticed yet if they themselves are even aware at this point.

So this leads me to the point of my post. I believe it is a lack of farmability that keeps people from going into any dreaming city activities.

I love Waking Vigil and prefer it over Pali because I think the perk pool is better. I’ve never had a Retold Tale worth using drop for me and I’ve always wanted one but it wasn’t enough for me to warrant actually putting myself through the very dull and demoralizing grind that is the Dreaming City.

Twilight Oath returning has changed that for me though. It was my favorite sniper and although it has me ready to step foot back into D.C. I do think that the majority of players aren’t enticed enough to invest in this grind. My reasonings are

• Waking Vigils poor range stat compared to Pali

•Shotgun nerfs making Retold Tales less desirable

•Twilight Oath having low zoom and low body damage makes people who crutch on AA view this sniper as a bad option

Sure these weapons have their weaknesses but I don’t believe that’s what the true problem is here.

The real problem is no one likes spending 2 days doing all the activities that will reward them gear just to get nothing but armor and being loot locked for another week. That is the true killer of this grind Imo.

My suggestion is a farmable blind well or shattered throne. All reissued gear should be easily obtainable in good faith to the community who already earned their god rolls.. unless of course Bungie isn’t about doing things in good faith amiright?

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over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. We've passed along the notes on DC acquisition paths feeling a bit dated, alongside players missing some perk options for both DC and Moon weapons.

Can't make any promises on future farms, as adding weapons to investment pools takes up a bit more design/test time as one would think. That said, there's always possibility for future seasons. Once we have more info, we'll let you know!