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Please retire this awful design choice regarding "Celerity" and "Bottomless Grief."

I don't want a perk that does virtually nothing until my teammates are all dead. When the perk rolls on my weapon, it feels unrewarding. When my teammates die, it feels unrewarding. And my compensation is increased stats, or subsistence? These situational perks are for undesirable situations and are too niche, please retire them.

Edit: The only time this mechanic ever had an impact was on Crest of Alpha Lupi in Destiny 1. Ever since then, perks + dead teammates have had underwhelming and detrimental effects.

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over 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the thread!

We've been collecting this feedback and passing it along. Team is aware, and we'll let you know if any changes are planned.