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The HELM completely bypasses most of the narrative dissonance Destiny has. Instead of mostly written text, expensive cutscenes, or over-the-comms dialogue, we get characters holo-calling in and even spawning in to have discussions, because it’s a private space. I gather it’s nearly impossible to have character interactions like this in a public space, so a dedicated space like the HELM where characters can come and go to deliver dialogue, appear in a private space to interact with us, and just general give us a bit more than “here’s a disembodied voice over a mission,” is great.

Also, the HELM is a perfect opportunity for a player home. Give us a few customization options, let us place some tributes, and boom. Base of operations.

I can only hope this sentiment doesn’t age like milk with Bungie letting the potential of the HELM go to waste: there’s so much opportunity for standardizing a more interactive narrative delivery here.

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about 4 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Glad to hear you’re enjoying it. Definitely passing the feedback up as we see it.