over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Hey all,

At the launch of Shadowkeep, we began a four week rotation of different Elimination settings in Crucible Labs. Now that we've been through each offering, we wanted to open up for player feedback to give to the dev team. Specifically, we wanted to talk about the mode settings, but feel free to give feedback on the current sandbox and how it plays in this mode.

A few example questions for feedback, but please give us all the feedback you've got:

  • Which weeks settings felt the best?

  • Which Destiny 2 maps play the best in Elimination?

  • Did Heavy Ammo spawns feel fair to both team spawns?

  • Did you like Revive Tokens, or infinite revives better?

Here's the current list of settings, broken out by week.

Week One

  • Resurrection Tokens: On

  • Escalating Revive: Off

  • Heavy Delay: 90 Seconds

  • Heavy Round: All

Week Two

  • Resurrection Tokens: Off

  • Escalating Revive: 7 seconds

  • Heavy Delay: 90 seconds

  • Heavy Rounds: All

Week Three

  • Resurrection Tokens: Off

  • Escalating Revive: 7 seconds

  • Heavy Delay: 15 seconds

  • Heavy Rounds: Only on Round 4

Week Four

  • Resurrection Tokens: Off

  • Escalating Revive: 7 seconds

  • Heavy Delay: None

  • Heavy Rounds: None

We look forward to hearing your feedback.


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