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If you have some ideas, think you could do something better, want to work for your favourite video game etc then seriously please go apply. Some of you might get a reality check about how "great" your ideas are, but also some of you really do have great ideas and should consider it. Either way it won't hurt you to take a look and apply but it might get you a sweet new job, so here is a link take a look and shoot your shot.

- Edit, I have 0 affiliation with bungie either directly or indirectly.

- Edit, wow I assumed this would only be a few people and I talking about how we wish we could work for Bungie, but this really blew up big, to those applying, good luck and I wish you the best, to those who are just enjoying some good natured humuor thank you for being here, and for the rest, thank you for keeping it so civil.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Karnaugh359 - Direct link

Originally posted by negative-nelly

That's a lot for a company with ~600 employees (17%). I clicked a bunch and they seem to mostly relate to destiny. I wondered whether they related to that other IP. Either they are expanding the team significantly or a lot of people have left and they haven't filled in the holes. Maybe I'm reading too much in to this.

Just saw this thread and there's a neat thing to share here - our average employee tenure is pretty long, so we have a lot of folks who've been working on Destiny for a long time (I've been working on it for ~12 years). We have a lot of love for Destiny, but that's a long time to work on one thing, and many people get hungry for a big change of scenery, different challenges & opportunities. We don't want those people to leave Bungie to get that change, so part of our overall strategy is hiring most new folks onto Destiny to allow more of our existing folks to shift to future projects. We do hire some new folks directly onto future projects as well - ideally we get an optimal blend of fresh perspectives and hard-won Bungie best practices and culture.

That's not the whole story of Destiny hiring, it's true that we're also expanding the Destiny team overall - the game is still growing and there are many opportunities we want to seize... the roadmap meetings are amazing, looking at the endless lists of awesome stuff we would love to do. The faster we hire, the more we can do sooner.

about 3 years ago - /u/Karnaugh359 - Direct link

Originally posted by dablocko

As someone with little to no game development experience but who wants to work on games (and would honestly love to work at Bungie at some point), any tips to get started in that area? I have a solid CS background but otherwise not much game experience.(also I have no idea what your position is so if you have no insight on that no worries hahaha).

Hm, i think there may have been some advice on that in the ama we did last year?

about 3 years ago - /u/Karnaugh359 - Direct link

Originally posted by deadsnowman13

Hey thanks for replying I took a look at the list as I'm about to graduate with a degree in software development and while I'm probably not the most qualified applicant there are other more qualified guardians that are probably wondering the same as me. Every job lists the Washington area but what is Bungie's current stance on remote work and hiring outside of the area? I know every company values it's on site culure but how has the current world changed that view?

Well, some of the roles list "Bellevue WA or Remote WA/CA" (e.g. sr game services) - we're running a pilot program for fully-remote engineering hiring.

More broadly... it's really really complicated. Trillion dollar companies have been whiplashing their policies - shows how hard it is to make a plan that sticks. The COVID era certainly taught us at Bungie that working remotely was way, way more viable than we thought - I think we've made, shipped, and operated some of the best Destiny ever with everyone working from home. OTOH, we make unique highly-integrated experiences that combine cutting edge capabilities from many disciplines, we DON'T make well-known widgets in isolation and plug them together in simple ways. Therefore we benefit from fluid and high-trust collaboration in enormous and difficult-to-measure ways.

We're thinking and talking about this a lot. Ultimately we're gonna keep experimenting and finding the best answers we can. Unsatisfying PR-ish answer I know, but best i can give ya. :P

about 3 years ago - /u/Karnaugh359 - Direct link

Originally posted by SteveHeist

Trundle through that AMA, I can see that, to some extent Destiny is based on the old Halo engine.

If you're allowed to talk about it, what happened with the engine back during the Microsoft split? Did they get to keep a copy?

Yea, both 343 and Bungie evolved/adapted starting from the Halo: Reach engine. It's actually kind-of amazing getting to see two really talented teams make different choices of what to upgrade and how (of course game needs were different too). I would guess the two forks now share <10% of code (across client and tools - 0% on services).

about 3 years ago - /u/Karnaugh359 - Direct link

Originally posted by robc606

Do Bungie help out with relocating people who want to apply from over seas?

Frequently, yep. Immigration is typically the bigger challenge/cost vs the raw relo $.