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I know this probably isn't impressive to many at this point, seeing as people solo flawlessed it day 1 - however, for me, this is a HUGE accomplishment. I'm really slow. Socially and mentally. It's hard for me to play with groups, and even harder for me to do difficult content in groups. So, I play most things solo! (I do so with pretty much all of Destiny at this point.) Even then, they're very, very hard for me.

But! After putting in effort across this week (on and off, as I was playing two other games between the attempts), I finish Grasp of Avarice solo!! I didn't use any guides, and did it all via trial and error.

Edit: I wanna clarify two things, since they were unclear.

This was N O T solo flawless. It was JUST solo.

The ending screenshot attached is NOT the entire dungeon, it's ONLY the final boss. I did the dungeon entirely solo, I just spaced the encounters out across the last week. I took breaks to preserve my sanity. Yes. It took me a week to do this dungeon solo once. As I mentioned, I am slow. Stuff like this is super hard to do, and takes me a long time. This is only my second clear. First solo clear. Sadly, it seems if you don't do it in one sitting, you don't get the triumph - but that's my next goal.

I'm super, duper proud of myself, because this is my first solo completion of a dungeon.

Here's a picture of the final screen! (This was the final encounter only, as I'd done the rest already, but was stuck on the final boss for a few days.)

Finish screen!

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about 3 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Love to see it.