Original Post — Direct link

Hello Destiny community! Please pardon my English if its that bad, It's not my native language.

u/funpak tend to make those posts to inform the community of our accomplishments on raid clears with a full deaf team but this time, He didn't play but he did wish us good luck and assisted us with the first encounter by givin the hint on using scanner buff in basement to inform the team which tube to dps on.

It's been a crazy night, we were stuck on Atraks-1 for 14 hours or so, We even killed him but somehow he regained the tiny piece of hp and wiped us out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzXa4WMm_yE

We didn't give up so we kept goin. Once we got over with Atraks-1 (the hardest encounter out of all in my opinion). We spent only one hour or so on 3rd encounter, took care of nuclear cores pretty easy. Then we spent about final 6 hours or so on final boss, we understood the mechanics pretty quick, its similar to the 3rd encounter with extra layer on boss fight + dps phase. Our failures were due to the dps check being difficult for our team, we survived this encounter pretty easy but kept failing the dps check, so we adapted our dps strat by goin one div and 5 on Iza + autoload GL along with high energy fire mods and havin both hunters goin celestial nighthawk for extra dps. We also had one guy goin titan for Bubble.

Here's the reaction of our team killing the final boss - Tanikshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGHsHUs-1Tg

Pardon the poor quality of our clips.

TLDR: A full deaf team cleared the new raid day one with about 40 min left on 24 hour deadline.


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over 4 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Nice job! Glad you made it in right under the wire.