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Evidently the game never stops you from doing this, and I had a day off this week, so I did it.

To start with, you only have one load-out you can use to actually remain at 10 power level throughout the game, that being the damaged armor set, the Travelers Chosen sidearm, the Sorrow MG2 submachine gun, and the Butler RS/2 rocket launcher. HOWEVER, with collections being added in Y2, you can pull out some weapons at the beginning of the game, which will be at 10 power as well, albeit locked behind being a certain level before they can be used.

My initial plan with this, was to pull out the first two weapons you get in the game aside from the starting load-out (the Stubborn Oak shotgun, and the Dead Zone Rifle sniper) as they are the worst versions of those weapon archetypes that you can find; and replace the Sorrow MG2 with those. The reason for this is that I don't believe using both the Travelers Chosen and Sorrow MG2 exclusively made the challenge more difficult, it just made everything take WAY longer to clear than it otherwise would've, hence why you see me using a shotgun and sniper in its place for the majority of this run. What I found though when trying to get those two weapons was that there is absolutely no way to acquire them at 10 power level. You're unable to pull them out of collections on a new character until you've discovered them in the world, rendering it impossible to get a 10 PL version from there, and the versions you find in the world massively increase in power in order to help you level up. My compromise to this was to find the lowest quality versions of a sniper and shotgun that I actually could pull from collections (the Tongeren LR-3 and Fussed Dark MK.21) and use those instead. Even with that change, there are still encounters in the campaign that consist of me doing damage the equivalent of throwing a pebble at the boss until my super recharges, and repeating that until it dies (I'm talking about you Thumos!)

All-in-all, the entire thing ended up taking me just shy of 7 hours to complete, which is much less than I expected. In the video, you'll notice that I cut out all of the down-time in between missions, so that you are only seeing the campaign missions take place. There were also a few places that I died, that I just cut out so that I could shorten the video a bit as well.

I had to delete my hunter for this

Edit: As someone mentioned, yes you could also mantain 10 PL with an un-infused eververse set, I just didn't have one. You can also drop lower than that with a festival of the lost mask down to 8 PL, something I might try out. And thanks for the silver

Edit 2: MOTW link if you feel so inclined

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about 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

But... why?