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Happy Bungie Day, everyone! You know how it’s awkward when it’s your birthday and you are having to open presents while a bunch of people watch you. Then people begin singing... and you just want to escape out of a window? That’s kind of what this is like for us. We wish we were pretentious enough to make up a holiday dedicated to ourselves, but looking back, we like to use this opening paragraph to anxiously explain that we would never do something like that.
Bungie Day was created by our amazing community long, long ago because of something to do with our weird fixation on the number seven. So here we are on the seventh day of the seventh month celebrating our still-amazing community and the years of action-packed memories forged in the worlds we’ve created. Without you, this world wouldn’t feel as bright as it does.
Between the charity initiatives you’ve supported and constant comradery we see on display throughout social media and in-person events, we can safely say that every day with this community is a gift. You’ve been a beacon of hope, a source of joy, a ferocious beast hellbent on wearing a raid boss's ass as a hat, and so much more. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and everything you will do in the future.
It’s that special time of year when Guardians travel to European Aerial Zone to earn their Solstice armor and get their glow on. You can get the full scoop on our Solstice of Heroes page.
We also had Vault of Glass Master difficulty go live yesterday and a mid-Season shake-up of the weapon sandbox. For the full details check out last week’s TWAB and our patch notes for Update 3.2.1.
Everyone who makes a purchase on the Bungie Store from now until the end of July 13 will receive an exclusive “Bungie Day 2021” emblem.
We heard you liked lore. For all the Guardians out there that can’t get enough Destiny story content, we are opening up pre-orders for Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume IV: The Royal Will. This latest addition to our Grimoire Anthology unravels the making and methods of two of Destiny’s most powerful monarchs—Mara Sov, the Queen of the Awoken, and Oryx, the Taken King.
New Bungie Rewards are now available as well. As mentioned above, with Solstice of Heroes starting up there is a new shirt available for purchase by anyone who collects their first set of Solstice armor. If you are looking to personalize something, we havea Bungie Reward you can put your name on coming with Moments of Triumph later this year.
There is also a Season of the Splicer Bungie Reward. If you have completed the Expunge questline you are eligible to purchase this new Expunge hoodie.
Our community is full of amazing artists. On occasion, we like to invite a few to participate in our Community Artist Series and partner with them to sell merchandise featuring their creations. Each artist receives a share of revenue from sales of their product design. We have a new line up of items available today, check them out!
In the mood for some arts and crafts? We have a special papercraft character bundle of Crow, Eris Morn, and Drifter you can create. Just go download the free kit, print and fold a new friend to perch up on your desk.
We would like videos of you telling your story about your favorite Bungie memories. It could be your favorite Bungie game, a Bungie related event you attended, or a positive interaction with a Bungie employee you had. Doesn’t have to be Destiny, you can reminisce about high-intensity Halo LAN parties or show your age by talking about how you played Pathways into Darkness on your Mac in 1993. Maybe it was that time when you bought the first copy of Halo 3 from Bill Gates?
If you want to share your story, just post your video on either Twitter, Instagram, or... we guess TikTok, too, with #BungieMemories. Try to keep them somewhat brief and under one minute. We are going to pick a few we like and use them for something special in the future.
Quick Note: By using this #BungieMemories or #BungieDayArt, you are submitting content to Bungie. When you submit content to Bungie, you agree to the Bungie Services Terms of Use, which also means you're promising us that you have the right to upload that content, that we can freely use it, and you agree that your submission follows our Code of Conduct.
Either way, we know it’s a small token, but we hope you enjoy the noodles.
Sign in to your Bungie.net account, head to the Redeem Codes page, and use the code above for the sweet new emblem.
That about wraps up our Bungie Day post. Before we go, we want to thank you for consistently being an amazing community. We truly love getting to make games for you and hope you have enjoyed playing them over the last 30 years as much as we have enjoyed making them.
Happy Bungie Day!
Bungie Day was created by our amazing community long, long ago because of something to do with our weird fixation on the number seven. So here we are on the seventh day of the seventh month celebrating our still-amazing community and the years of action-packed memories forged in the worlds we’ve created. Without you, this world wouldn’t feel as bright as it does.
Between the charity initiatives you’ve supported and constant comradery we see on display throughout social media and in-person events, we can safely say that every day with this community is a gift. You’ve been a beacon of hope, a source of joy, a ferocious beast hellbent on wearing a raid boss's ass as a hat, and so much more. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and everything you will do in the future.
Coming Soon
This morning, we sent out a save the date for next month. We hope you can join us on August 24 for some exciting news about the future of Destiny. These are our favorite times, and we look forward to sharing more with you, but for now... no spoilers.
Bungie Foundation - Giving Campaign
Time and time again, this community has been a powerhouse for good. With every charity initiative, you smash records and fill hearts across the globe. Today, we're excited to announce the Bungie Foundation Giving Campaign.Bungie Foundation: Bungie Day is upon us! We are so grateful for each of you who have chosen to be a part of this incredible community. You have demonstrated time and time again that your passion goes beyond the digital spaces of Destiny and reaches out to every corner of our world through your kindness and compassion. You truly are the driving force behind all the good work we at Bungie seek to do for the people and world around us through the Bungie Foundation.
We focus our efforts on three core pillars:
- Improving children’s health and wellbeing
- Uplifting the voices and rights of all individuals and communities
- Providing humanitarian aid in times of crisis
By donating to the Bungie Foundation’s Giving Campaign between July 7 and July 20 at 11:59 PM PDT, you are helping us make an impact in each of these areas – from our iPads for Kids Program to helping communities impacted by a natural disaster, you are changing lives and proving that the Bungie community is the best there is.
This has been an unprecedented year of hardships for so many around the world, including many of you. Thank you for leaning into your friendships and shared passions to lift each other up and support each other when it was needed the most. And yet, there is so much work to do. Please help us by donating today.
As a thank you for your donation, we are excited to offer you several incredible in-game items:
$10+: 2020 “The Bungie Foundation” emblem![]()
$25+: Above, plus the NEW “Circadian Guard” emblem![]()
$50+: Above, plus NEW Exotic “Buoyant Shell” Ghost Shell![]()
$75+: Above, plus NEW Exotic “Tiny Tank” emote
Our goal is to reach $777,000 by July 20. To help us stay on track, we will commit to having one of our Community Managers record a lore reading if we reach $500,000 by Wednesday, July 14, to be shared in This Week at Bungie the next day!
Notes: To be eligible for the in-game items listed above, donations must be made to this campaign between July 7 and July 20 at 11:59 PM PDT. Unique redemption code(s) will be emailed to you on Thursday, July 29th following the completion of the fundraiser. One redemption code per item, per email for qualifying donations.
Early Presents
Our in-game updates went live yesterday, but we’re guessing you don’t mind getting the good stuff a day early. For anyone stumbling upon this Bungie Day post who hasn’t heard yet, we launched our mid-Season update yesterday and our Solstice of Heroes event kicked off.It’s that special time of year when Guardians travel to European Aerial Zone to earn their Solstice armor and get their glow on. You can get the full scoop on our Solstice of Heroes page.
We also had Vault of Glass Master difficulty go live yesterday and a mid-Season shake-up of the weapon sandbox. For the full details check out last week’s TWAB and our patch notes for Update 3.2.1.
Bungie Store Sale
In honor of Bungie Day we are running a sale on the Bungie store! You can expect to save up to 50% off select merchandise. Who says you can’t look good both in and out of the game?
Everyone who makes a purchase on the Bungie Store from now until the end of July 13 will receive an exclusive “Bungie Day 2021” emblem.
We heard you liked lore. For all the Guardians out there that can’t get enough Destiny story content, we are opening up pre-orders for Destiny Grimoire Anthology Volume IV: The Royal Will. This latest addition to our Grimoire Anthology unravels the making and methods of two of Destiny’s most powerful monarchs—Mara Sov, the Queen of the Awoken, and Oryx, the Taken King.
New Bungie Rewards are now available as well. As mentioned above, with Solstice of Heroes starting up there is a new shirt available for purchase by anyone who collects their first set of Solstice armor. If you are looking to personalize something, we havea Bungie Reward you can put your name on coming with Moments of Triumph later this year.
There is also a Season of the Splicer Bungie Reward. If you have completed the Expunge questline you are eligible to purchase this new Expunge hoodie.
Our community is full of amazing artists. On occasion, we like to invite a few to participate in our Community Artist Series and partner with them to sell merchandise featuring their creations. Each artist receives a share of revenue from sales of their product design. We have a new line up of items available today, check them out!
In the mood for some arts and crafts? We have a special papercraft character bundle of Crow, Eris Morn, and Drifter you can create. Just go download the free kit, print and fold a new friend to perch up on your desk.
Bungie Memories
One thing we wanted to do around Bungie Day this year is reflect on the past. It’s hard to believe that Bungie has been making games for 30 years now. We know many of you have amazing stories of the epic moments and friendships forged through our games over the years. We would love to hear them!We would like videos of you telling your story about your favorite Bungie memories. It could be your favorite Bungie game, a Bungie related event you attended, or a positive interaction with a Bungie employee you had. Doesn’t have to be Destiny, you can reminisce about high-intensity Halo LAN parties or show your age by talking about how you played Pathways into Darkness on your Mac in 1993. Maybe it was that time when you bought the first copy of Halo 3 from Bill Gates?
If you want to share your story, just post your video on either Twitter, Instagram, or... we guess TikTok, too, with #BungieMemories. Try to keep them somewhat brief and under one minute. We are going to pick a few we like and use them for something special in the future.
Quick Note: By using this #BungieMemories or #BungieDayArt, you are submitting content to Bungie. When you submit content to Bungie, you agree to the Bungie Services Terms of Use, which also means you're promising us that you have the right to upload that content, that we can freely use it, and you agree that your submission follows our Code of Conduct.
Bungie Day Art Show
Similar to the Bungie Memories above, we are also putting a call out to all our extremely talented community artists to create artwork centered around your favorite Bungie games. Same thing as before, this can be Destiny related or from any games we have worked on. Share your art on Twitter or Instagram using #BungieDayArt and we will pick out our favorites and use them along with the Bungie memories videos mentioned above.One More Thing
Before we wrap up, we had one more gift for you to commemorate the seventh day of the seventh month. We made a Spicy Ramen emblem and it’s available now for everyone who wants it. You don’t have to buy anything, it’s totally free! Are you surprised? Maybe, maybe not.Either way, we know it’s a small token, but we hope you enjoy the noodles.

Sign in to your Bungie.net account, head to the Redeem Codes page, and use the code above for the sweet new emblem.
That about wraps up our Bungie Day post. Before we go, we want to thank you for consistently being an amazing community. We truly love getting to make games for you and hope you have enjoyed playing them over the last 30 years as much as we have enjoyed making them.
Happy Bungie Day!