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We know it's coming, and Bungie's ability to make a cinematic trailer never fails. However, there are 10 things to expect to see when we get our first look at Savathun!

1 - An Omnious beat drop, with the narrator telling us about the next great threat. Happens in every annual & seasonal trailer, we get a threatening beat in the background, flashes of scenery in the new location..... and narrator telling us we're facing something we've never faced before! Dun dun dun (more ominous music), the music kicks in full blast and the trailer resumes!

2 - The Slow Mo fireteam walk. Literally. Every. Time. Never fails either, to see 3 guardians walking in V formation slowly towards absolutely nothing. Could literally be a social space with no enemies and we get that B-Roll footage of the slow walking trio.......... and then get that view another 5-6 times in the trailer.

3 - Jumping Guardian! Whether it's 1 guardian, all 3 guardians, 1 guardian sliding into a fight with another hopping over. There is always some footage of a jumping guardian. Never blinking, never titan skating, never a Hunter rolling dodge. It's always a random jump into action or across some platforming

4 - Badass entry for a new enemy type. Brig dropping in from the sky, Wyvern blasting away, Nightmare appearing. There is going to be a new (or reskinned) enemy added that will get a pretty damn good first impression.

5 - A clip of something you will NEVER do in a strike. Beyond Light brought an ice wall grenade thrown on the wall of the bridge section of Glassway (we're not going to jump onto that ledge). Shadowkeep showed a Hunt that isn't really a strike! Forsaken showed a Chaos Reach being pissed away on 3 enemies just after the Abomination mini boss (um, we save our supers at that point). It happens every trailer always something that nobody would do in a strike.

6 - Our new powers. We'll get a montage of new grenades, melees, supers and anything else tied to new powers, just mowing through enemies. Particularly supers wiping out rooms in slow mo.

7 - Some godly clip in the crucible, of someone killing the other team consecutively 3-4 different ways. Primary, secondary, melee, super, heavy etc. Just a straight montage worthy clip. Never mind the potatoes playing against the player weren't even shooting & just running in a straight line at the player, but it's always the go to crucible footage of someone getting kills with a different source back to back.

8 - Some asshole, doing asshole things in a sparrow. Like donuts on an Empire hunt, jumping a ramp in the middle of Alter of Sorrows wave, splashing water on enemies in an EDZ public event that nobody would ever do! Always an asshole on a sparrow doing something absolutely nobody would do unless they want their sparrow to get blown up.

9 - New & old exotics. Might be armor, but most certainly the new guns being offered will be shown in the trailer. Expect a mix of brand new weapons, and D1 weapons making a return. D1 still has 20+ guns and 8+ exotic armor per character that have not been reprised, so Bungie has plenty to choose from when they bring back something.

10 - A nonsense preview of the raid. Of course they won't give away anything in the raid, no encounters will be shown. But we get some 6-man B-Roll footage of a shot of the raid that we run through as fast as possible. Last Wish showed people running on top of the main bridge that nobody runs on. Garden has 6 people slow man walking 1 of the transition areas that we usually just run through and ignore. DSC literally had 6 people leave the opening platform. I mean literally made the first fall of the game a dramatic moment in a trailer.

Bonus - Oh, and the date the DLC comes out! That's a given.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by UnbalancedJ

u must not have seen the season of dawn trailer. enjoy.


This trailer bring back memories of all of us watching different versions of it and quoting it out loud in the office before release. I would just randomly say "Time is broken on Mercury!"

Hard to believe it was one of the last trailers we released before work from home began.