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Maybe we can add a new rune set/combo for loot now and again during it to boot. Not necessarily new loot, just a nice new way to farm that gun you want from another place like how you can farm Reverie Dawn armor.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Originally posted by RhapRhap9

Can we do these thing all week please? Some people work weekends..

Some people work weeks

Some people work weeks and weekends

Some people work random days and have a combination of week/weekend offdays

Some people don’t work

Some people get on reddit the moment they wake up to say “we’re listening”

Some people need a coffee

But seriously: valor/infamy usually start double during the week, then go triple from Friday ‘till reset. We now have the ability to do this with Menagerie rewards, so my gut is telling me that we will mirror the infamy/valor boost formula.