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A day or so ago a friend of mine and I were playing some Gambit Prime as we usually do. We like to complain at each other about a lot of the pubbers. He's a collector, and regularly has motes swiped as people deposit 3. I'm an invader, who primes themself with all the goodies right before the portal opens up, only to have someone leap through with 7 motes and die horribly within seconds. Basically, normal commiseration about the worst of the worst players.

And we get into a game with a man who clearly has 15/15 Sentry. A bright yellow titan, who never spoke a word. We didn't expect much from him. It's not that we thought he'd do badly, we just didn't look at him in an real, special light.

Until the first invasion, that is.

Normally, I sit mid and shoot at the mobs, kill blockers, and plink off invaders while waiting for an invasion of my own. I like to remain useful and supportive even when unable to directly engage.

It was while doing just that, checking the common invasion entry locations, that I spotted our fellow titan stop what he was doing. Immediately he turned away from the motes and started hunting. 3 seconds later I saw a marker for the invader. 2 seconds after that, The Drifter politely informed me that the invader was down as I stood there feeling obscenely useless.

The match progresses, we do well. I invade and deny my share of motes, my friend collects well over half our bank, and Yote-Un keeps to his namesake as he kills every single invader within 5 to 10 seconds of them spawning in. This man was a goddamn wall.

It was around halfway in we noticed his kinetic. It was Wish Ender. This man had made it his job to remove invaders from the equation so hard, he equipped what amounts to janky wall hacks just for that sole purpose. So dedicated was he, that he would stop any and all Primeval shooting solely to leave and hunt down the would-be killer... And I felt perfectly safe with him doing just that.

What ascended him into godhood, however, was one particular moment.

A warlock invaded, the same one who had countless times. In traditional fashion, our ball-deep defender dashed right into danger. He marked the invader and moved in for the kill. The warlock, in a cunning move taken straight from one of his Japanese ninja animes, dropped from the ledge.

Now, in this case, most people would reevaluate their options. The invader is no longer in sight, but is also temporarily not a threat. Reassess the situation, prepare for the invader's next move. They're on the clock, they'll make that move, you just need to be ready.

Yote-Un pulled out his shotgun and dropped off the ledge.

No pause. No hesitation. Not a moment's thought that amounted to anything short of "Remove invader". This man had a job, and by the Light he was going to do it.

This, consequently, got me, my friend, and him all killed to the Warlock's immediate super.

So you'd think this would put a damper on this man's enthusiasm. This was the first death any had experienced. He'd finally failed.


Two invasions followed. The first, almost as if he'd taken the death personally, I watched as he fired his bow to mark the invader at a range... Only to pull out his shotgun and charge across the map to finish the job.

The latter, after we had won, just to make it clear whose house it was, he blew down the invader in two clean shotgun blasts.

No word said. No taunt. No interaction outside of pure fury directed to anyone unfortunate enough to be coloured red. He was a bull.

I don't know if you're reading this, Yote-Un. But I like to believe you're out there somewhere, having built a wall of invaders' corpses to defend your team.

I really, really hope I never end up against you.


Invader: Exists

Yote-Un: Oh hell-the-f*ck no.

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over 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

I love this.