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That is all. I just want a one-off Titan super that won't potentially get me insta-killed immediately after use.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Trexus183 - Direct link

Would be neat but that sounds like it would break the game anytime it forcefully teleports you somewhere (duality for example) because it would allow you to undo the games teleport.

Also would totally break our map loading areas. Being able to teleport from one side of the transition to the other would potentially allow you to get into an area of the map without it actually loading properly.

over 2 years ago - /u/Trexus183 - Direct link

Originally posted by MeateaW

no one tell him about the interdimensional rez breach tecnique

Oh I know about it lol, I was an avid oob explore back before I joined Bungo and I still keep up with new discoveries now and then.